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Perspectives of two ethnically different pre-service teacher populations as they learn about folk literature

Shaw, Donita J.
Boyd, Jackie
Nielsen, Diane Corcoran
The purpose of this study was to investigate pre-service teachers’ knowledge of folk literature in general and that of a selected country or culture in particular before and after studying it in a college children's literature course and completing an assignment. We specifically compared two sample populations: those of primarily European American descent at a research university and those of Native American ethnicity at an Inter-tribal Native American university to see if there were similarities or differences in their knowledge about and value of folk literature. Participants from each university were selected to complete a pre-post questionnaire and a post-interview about what they learned about folk literature in general and a particular country or culture's stories as well. Analysis of the data showed similarity between the two sample populations on their knowledge of folk literature and understanding of other countries/cultures. There were differences in their projected application of the learned information. Implications for teacher educators are discussed.
This is the authors' accepted manuscript, post peer-review. The publisher's official version can be found at: http://scholarlyexchange.org/ojs/index.php/JERI/article/view/9529/7041.
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Taylor and Francis
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Massengill Shaw, D., Boyd, J., & Nielsen, D.C. (2012). Perspectives of two ethnically different pre-service teacher populations as they learn about folk literature. Journal of Educational Research & Innovation, 1(1), 1-19.
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