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A POS Tagging Approach to Capture Security Requirements within an Agile Software Development Process

Tetmeyer, Annette Marie
Software use is an inescapable reality. Computer systems are embedded into devices from the mundane to the complex and significantly impact daily life. Increased use expands the opportunity for malicious use which threatens security and privacy. Factors such as high profile data breaches, rising cost due to security incidents, competitive advantage and pending legislation are driving software developers to integrate security into software development rather than adding security after a product has been developed. Security requirements must be elicited, modeled, analyzed, documented and validated beginning at the initial phases of the software engineering process rather than being added at later stages. However, approaches to developing security requirements have been lacking which presents barriers to security requirements integration during the requirements phase of software development. In particular, software development organizations working within short development lifecycles (often characterized as agile lifecycle) and minimal resources need a light and practical approach to security requirements engineering that can be easily integrated into existing agile processes. In this thesis, we present an approach for eliciting, analyzing, prioritizing and developing security requirements which can be integrated into existing software development lifecycles for small, agile organizations. The approach is based on identifying candidate security goals, categorizing security goals based on security principles, understanding the stakeholder goals to develop preliminary security requirements and prioritizing preliminary security requirements. The identification activity consists of part of speech (POS) tagging of requirements related artifacts for security terminology to discover candidate security goals. The categorization activity applies a general security principle to candidate goals. Elicitation activities are undertaken to gain a deeper understanding of the security goals from stakeholders. Elicited goals are prioritized using risk management techniques and security requirements are developed from validated goals. Security goals may fail the validation activity, requiring further iterations of analysis, elicitation, and prioritization activities until stakeholders are satisfied with or have eliminated the security requirement. Finally, candidate security requirements are output which can be further modeled, defined and validated using other approaches. A security requirements repository is integrated into our proposed approach for future security requirements refinement and reuse. We validate the framework through an industrial case study with a small, agile software development organization.
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University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Computer science, Security requirements engineering
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