Kulturistike – kulturološka branja beletristike
Mlačnik, Primož
Mlačnik, Primož
Članek obravnava filozofsko-teoretske tokove, ki so prispevali h kulturološkemu
obratu v literarni vedi v devetdesetih letih dvajsetega stoletja. V okviru trodelne
raziskovalne sheme (kontekst/avtor, tekst/literarno delo, občinstvo/bralec), ki je
skupna kulturološkim in sodobnim literarnoteoretskim branjem literature, analitično
reflektiramo dela nekaterih ključnih avtorjev s področja poststrukturalizma,
Frankfurtske šole kritične teorije, teorij ideologije in recepcijskih študij. Na ta
način avtor predstavi načine, na katere so filozofsko-teoretski tokovi spremenili
in nadgradili tradicionalno literarnoteoretsko pojmovanje spoznavne, etične in
estetske razsežnosti literarnega dela. V zaključku so predstavljena njihova stičišča,
razhajanja in omejitve.
The article draws on the philosophical-theoretical currents that contributed to
culturological shifts in literary science during the last decade of the twentieth
century. The work of key authors from the field of post-structuralism, the Frankfurt
school of critical theory, and theories of ideology and reception studies is
analytically reflected on the level of the tripartite research scheme (context/author,
text/literary work, audience/reader) common to culturological and contemporary
literary-theoretical readings of literature. In this way, we reveal how philosophical-
theoretical currents have transformed and enhanced the traditional literarytheoretical
conception of the cognitive, ethical and aesthetic dimensions of the
literary work. In the conclusion, crossroads, divergences, and limitations in these
methods are also presented.
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University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
culturology,, traditional and contemporary literary theory,, dimensions of literary work,, literary essence