English gerund-participial clauses and their Macedonian equivalents
Gj. Atanasovska, Katarina ; Cvetkoski, Vladimir
Gj. Atanasovska, Katarina
Cvetkoski, Vladimir
Glagolniško-deležniške konstrukcije v angleščini imajo širok spekter uporabe in funkcij. So strukturno raznolike in se pojavljajo v različnih kontekstih, kar vodi do pomenskih variacij. Prispevek se s formalnega in funkcijskega vidika osredotoča na neosebne glagolniško-deležniške stavke v angleščini. Primerjalna analiza angleških in makedonskih primerov upošteva tudi makedonske prevodne ustreznike. Cilj raziskovanja je narediti vzporednico med jezikoma glede neosebnih glagolniško-deležniških stavkov in ponuditi vpogled v podobnosti ter razlike med jezikoma. Rezultati kažejo, da so angleške glagolniško- deležniške konstrukcije v makedonskem jeziku izražene na več različnih načinov. V večini primerov makedonski ustrezniki vključujejo deležja (oblika glagola -јќи), kombinacije samostalnikov in predlogov ter različne osebne in neosebne strukture.
Gerund-participle constructions in English are used widely and have different functions. They are structurally varied, and they appear in diverse contexts. This paper deals with English non-finite gerund-participle clauses from a formal and functional point of view. The contrastive analysis of English and Macedonian examples examines their Macedonian translation equivalents as well. The aim of the paper is to draw a parallel between the two languages with regard to non-finite gerund-participle clauses, and to offer some insights into the similarities and differences between the two languages. The findings show that English gerund-participle constructions are expressed in Macedonian in a rich variety of ways, such as: In most cases, Macedonian equivalents include verbal adverbs (the -јќи form of the verb), noun and preposition combinations, as well as various finite and non-finite structures.
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University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Research Projects
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Neosebni glagolniško-deležniški stavki, Sedanjiški deležnik, -ing stavki, Oblika, Funkcija, Prevodni ustreznik, Non-finite gerund-participial clauses, Present participle, -ing clauses, Form, Function, Translation equivalent
Gj. Atanasovska K., & Cvetkoski V. (2022). English gerund-participial clauses and their Macedonian equivalents. Slavia Centralis, 15(1), 201–219. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/slaviacentralis/article/view/1850