
Grandpa Top Model

Hacker, Randi
Broadcast Transcript: Cross-dressing is not a new concept in China--not much is, when you get right down to it. Anyway, there is a long and honorable tradition of men playing the parts of women in Beijing Opera performances. But in the world of youth fashion, this is a first: Liu Qianping, a 72-year-old retired farmer, came to Guangzhou to visit his granddaughter, Ting, who runs a start-up on-line fashion boutique. As fate would have it, he arrived just as the model she had hired to wear her clothes in a photo shoot cancelled. Grandpa Liu tried on a jacket and liked its style. So his granddaughter took photos of him in it and other items of clothing, posted them and China's next top model was created. Filial pietists accuse Ting of elder exploitation but Grandpa begs to differ. He considers himself lucky to be so famous and he isn't reticent about offering style advice. What's more, visits to Ting's online site have increased fourfold. 72 is the new 27. #ceas #hacker #china
This is one of hundreds of 60-second radio spots created by the Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS) for Kansas Public Radio (KPR). The purpose of this outreach program is to introduce the people of Kansas to the culture and current issues of East Asia.
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Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas
Research Projects
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China, Qianping, Liu, Cross-dressing, Model, Beijing Opera, Ting
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