The perceived motivational climate in sport questionnaire: Construct and predictive validity
Fry, Mary D. ; Duda, Joan L. ; Chi, Likang
Fry, Mary D.
Duda, Joan L.
Chi, Likang
The purpose of this study was to further examine the construct and predictive validity of the Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire or PMCSQ. Young athletes (N = 169, M age = 14.2 plus minus 1.94 years) on teams competing in an amateur international competition completed questionnaires measuring perceived motivational climate, the degree of worry experienced while participating, and team satisfaction. Results of a confirmatory factor analysis indicated an acceptable fit of the data with the hypothetical measurement model. In terms of the predictive utility of the PMCSQ, perceptions of a mastery climate were positively related to satisfaction with being a member on the team and negatively associated with performance worry. In contrast, perceptions of a performance climate were positively associated with concerns about failing and the adequacy of one's performance and negatively correlated with team satisfaction. Future directions in terms of instrument development and research on motivational climate in the sport setting are presented.
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Human Kinetics
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Goal perspectives, Confirmatory factor analysis
Walling (Fry), Mary D.; Duda, Joan L.; and Chi, Likang. (1993) The perceived motivational climate in sport questionnaire: Construct and predictive validity. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology,