Nastanak frazema putem semantičkih figura
Stevović, Irena
Stevović, Irena
V prispevku so s semantičnega vidika predstavljeni frazemi črnogorskega jezika; raziskani so procesi njihovega nastanka, in sicer procesi semantične narave. Izpostavljena so vprašanja, vezana na frazeme, katerih osnovna oblika je nefrazemska sintagma, ki je s pomočjo semantičnih figur prenesena v frazemsko. Z analizo frazemov v ožjem smislu skušamo osvetliti semantične značilnosti frazemov oz. vloge semantičnih frazemov v procesu nastanka teh jezikovnih enot.
In this paper, we present idioms in the Montenegrin language from the aspect of semantics, and investigate the processes of their creation, i. e. processes of semantic nature. We highlight questions concerning those idioms whose basic form is a non-idiomatic syntagm that is transposed into the realm of the idiomatic by means of semantic figures. By analysing the idioms in a narrower sense, we try to contribute to the illumination of semantic characteristics of idioms, i. e. the role of semantic figures in the process of creation of these linguistic units.
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University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Research Projects
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frazeologija, frazem, frazeološka enota, semantična frazeologizacija, tropi, semantične figure v ožjem smislu, phraseology, idiom, phraseological unit, semantic phraseologisation, tropes, semantic figures in a narrow sense