Assessing the Straightforwardly-Worded Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale for Differential Item Functioning Across Gender and Ethnicity
Harpole, Jared Kenneth ; Levinson, Cheri A. ; Woods, Carol M. ; Rodebaugh, Thomas L. ; Weeks, Justin W. ; Brown, Patricks ; Heimberg, Richard G. ; Menatti, Andrew R. ; Blanco, Carlos ; Schneier, Franklin
Harpole, Jared Kenneth
Levinson, Cheri A.
Woods, Carol M.
Rodebaugh, Thomas L.
Weeks, Justin W.
Brown, Patricks
Heimberg, Richard G.
Menatti, Andrew R.
Blanco, Carlos
Schneier, Franklin
The Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale (BFNE; Leary Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 9, 371–375, 1983) assesses fear and worry about receiving negative evaluation from others. Rodebaugh et al. Psychological Assessment, 16, 169–181, (2004) found that the BFNE is composed of a reverse-worded factor (BFNE-R) and straightforwardly-worded factor (BFNE-S). Further, they found the BFNE-S to have better psychometric properties and provide more information than the BFNE-R. Currently there is a lack of research regarding the measurement invariance of the BFNE-S across gender and ethnicity with respect to item thresholds. The present study uses item response theory (IRT) to test the BFNE-S for differential item functioning (DIF) related to gender and ethnicity (White, Asian, and Black). Six data sets consisting of clinical, community, and undergraduate participants were utilized (N=2,109). The factor structure of the BFNE-S was confirmed using categorical confirmatory factor analysis, IRT model assumptions were tested, and the BFNE-S was evaluated for DIF. Item nine demonstrated significant non-uniform DIF between White and Black participants. No other items showed significant uniform or non-uniform DIF across gender or ethnicity. Results suggest the BFNE-S can be used reliably with men and women and Asian and White participants. More research is needed to understand the implications of using the BFNE-S with Black participants.
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Springer Verlag
Research Projects
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Differential item functioning, Measurement invariance, Item response theory, Social anxiety disorder, Fear of negative evaluation
Harpole, J. K., Levinson, C. A., Woods, C. M., Rodebaugh, T. L., Weeks, J. W., Brown, P. J., … Liebowitz, M. (2015). Assessing the Straightforwardly-Worded Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale for Differential Item Functioning Across Gender and Ethnicity. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 37(2), 306–317. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10862-014-9455-9