Creation and control of a single coherent attosecond xuv pulse by few-cycle intense laser pulses
Chu, Shih-I ; Tong, Xiao-Min ; Carrera, Juan J.
Chu, Shih-I
Tong, Xiao-Min
Carrera, Juan J.
We present ab initio quantum and classical investigations on the production and control of a single attosecond pulse by using few-cycle intense laser pulses as the driving field. The high-harmonic-generation power spectrum is calculated by accurately and efficiently solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation using the time-dependent generalized pseudospectral method. The time-frequency characteristics of the attosecond xuv pulse are analyzed in detail by means of the wavelet transform of the time-dependent induced dipole. To better understand the physical processes, we also perform classical trajectory simulation of the strong-field electron dynamics and electron returning energy map. We found that the quantum and classical results provide complementary and consistent information regarding the underlying mechanisms responsible for the production of the coherent attosecond pulse. For few-cycle (5fs) driving pulses, it is shown that the emission of the consecutive harmonics in the supercontinuum cutoff regime can be synchronized and locked in phase resulting in the production of a coherent attosecond pulse. Moreover, the time profile of the attosecond pulses can be controlled by tuning the carrier envelope phase.
This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.74.023404.
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Chu, Shih-I., Tong, X. M., Carrera, Juan J. "Creation and control of a single coherent attosecond xuv pulse by few-cycle intense laser pulses." Phys. Rev. A 74, 023404 – Published 8 August 2006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.74.023404.