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Quasi-model-independent search for new physics at large transverse momentum

Baringer, Philip S.
Bean, Alice
Coppage, Don
Hebert, C.
Abazov, V. M.
Abbott, B.
Abdesselam, A.
Abolins, M.
Abramov, V.
Acharya, B. S.
... show 1 more
We apply a quasi-model-independent strategy (“SLEUTH”) to search for new high p(T) physics in ≈100 pb(-1) of pp-bar collisions at s√=1.8TeV collected by the DØ experiment during 1992–1996 at the Fermilab Tevatron. Over 32 eμX, W+jets−like, Z+jets−like, and (l/γ)(l/γ)(l/γ)X exclusive final states are systematically analyzed for hints of physics beyond the standard model. Simultaneous sensitivity to a variety of models predicting new phenomena at the electroweak scale is demonstrated by testing the method on a particular signature in each set of final states. No evidence of new high p(T) physics is observed in the course of this search, and we find that 89% of an ensemble of hypothetical similar experimental runs would have produced a final state with a candidate signal more interesting than the most interesting observed in these data.
This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.64.012004.
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V. M. Abazov et al. ((DØ Collaboration)). (2001). "Quasi-model-independent search for new physics at large transverse momentum." Physics Review D, 64(1):012004. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.64.012004
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