Nature's Keepers: A Feasibility Study to Conduct an Annual Adventure Camp in Various Locations
Meyerkord, Annette
Meyerkord, Annette
The idea for this camp was generated to share our love for the outdoors and the desire to be a positive influence on today’s youth. The interest in this potential venture has led to the following feasibility study.
The camp will be for eleven to sixteen year old children and will only occur once a year. This is based on age ranges of other camps while considering physical abilities, maturity, and interests of this age range. The program would allow boys and girls to explore the outdoors while challenging themselves through activities. Each trip would be held in the summer when most children are out of school. The camp is planned to be a ten day/nine night camp that will travel to a different location each year. Depending on the location and lodging conditions, the amount of participants allowed to be in the camp that year could vary. Only one camping trip would be planned per year, which would allow the owners or management to maintain current full-time positions in other professions.
The following study includes information for planning one trip that meets the conditions of the original idea in order to determine if the business venture is feasible and lucrative enough to pursue.