Water Resources and Climate Change in Garden Park, Colorado
Baffa, Thomas W.
Baffa, Thomas W.
This paper examines whether groundwater can provide adequate water supplies for land use change and future development in Garden Park, Colorado. A climatic water budget model was used to determine the amount and adequacy of the groundwater supply for future use in Garden Park, Colorado. The model was used to determine a baseline amount of available water during the years 1975 through 2000. The model was then applied to the drought period of the "Dust Bowl" (1930-1939) years to determine the water supply in Garden Park during that time period. Finally, the model was used to project water supply conditions in Garden Park in the future based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change temperature and precipitation projections during the period of 2080-2099 and applying the results to Garden Park. Future conditions in Garden Park are projected to be warmer than the baseline period with winter precipitation falling as rain.
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University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Geography, Water resource management, Climate change, Garden park, Colorado, Water resources