Metaphorical collocations - on the problem of their theoretical definition and empirical research
Keglević Blažević, Ana
Keglević Blažević, Ana
Prispevek podaja teoretični pregled podkategorije metaforičnih kolokacij in različnih pristopov njihovega empiričnega raziskovanja. Kolokacije so bile doslej preučevane z različnih zornih kotov, kljub temu pa še vedno ni enotne teoretske opredelitve tega leksikalnega pojava. Ne glede na različnost njegovega razumevanja opazimo, da nekatere kolokacije kažejo spremembo pomena posameznih sestavin, kar sicer ni osnovna lastnost kolokacij. Gre za podkategorijo metaforičnih kolokacij. Kolokator kot sestavina metaforične kolokacije izkazuje več kot en pomen, je večpomenski. Metaforične kolokacije so sicer upoštevane v različnih znanih tipologijah in klasifikacijah, vendar so bile doslej le obrobno obravnavane in so zato še neustrezno raziskane.
The present paper gives a theoretical overview of the subcategory of metaphorical collocations and their different research approaches. Collocations have been examined from different perspectives. Despite that fact, there has still not been a unanimously accepted definition of the term coined. Regardless of the different approaches, it can be observed that some collocations show a kind of change in meaning. These are referred to as metaphorical collocations and are understood as a subcategory. The collocate of the metaphorical collocation has more than one meaning, and is, therefore, polysemous. Metaphorical collocations are taken into account in different typologies and classifications, but, so far, there have only been a few studies that deal with this subcategory. These collocations thus represent a phenomenon that has not yet been researched adequately.
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University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Kolokacije, Metaforične kolokacije, Konceptualna metafora, Kolokator, Nemščina, Hrvaščina, Collocations, Metaphorical collocations, Conceptual metaphor, Collocate, German, Croatian
Keglević Blažević A. (2022). Metaphorical collocations - on the problem of their theoretical definition and empirical research. Slavia Centralis , 15 (1), 190-200. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/slaviacentralis/article/view/1849