Slovenski terminološki sistemi na primeru pravne terminologije
Fajfar, Tanja
Fajfar, Tanja
Članek je razdeljen na tri dele: v prvem je predstavljen projekt priprave slovenske različice pravnih
aktov Evropskih skupnosti, drugi se osredotoča na slovensko pravno terminologijo, v tretjem pa je
navedenih nekaj primerov, ki ponazarjajo, kako se je slovenska pravna terminologija odzvala na
poimenovanje pojmov iz pojmovnega sveta pravnega reda Evropskih skupnosti (acquis communautaire).
Ta je nacionalnim pravnim redom držav članic nadrejen ter terja enotno interpretacijo in
uporabo, kar omogočajo le natančni in nedvoumni termini kot poimenovanja, izhajajoča iz razumevanja
pojma v izvornem pojmovnem sistemu.
The article is divided into three parts: in the first part the author introduces the preparatory work
for the Slovene variant of legal acts of the European Union, the second part focuses on legal terminology,
and the third adduces some examples illustrating how Slovene legal terminology has
responded to the creation of terminology for the conceptual world of the EU legal system (acquis
communautaire). This body of law takes precedence over the legal systems of the member states
and demands a uniform interpretation and implementation, which can be achieved only through
unambiguous denotation that is derived from understanding the concept in the framework of its
original semantic system.
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Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša, ZRC SAZU; Hall Center for the Humanities, University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
terminology, Lexicology, European Union, transition
Slovenski jezik – Slovene Linguistic Studies 6 (2007): 169–181 http://dx.doi.org/10.17161/SLS.1808.4417