Smoke-Free Olympics
Hacker, Randi ; Tsutsui, William
Hacker, Randi
Tsutsui, William
Broadcast Transcript: Beijing is talking the talk about cleaning up for the '08 Olympic Games, but it would appear that at least one segment of the population is not ready to walk the walk: Smokers. China is one of the last havens for the enthusiastic smoker. Despite an ambitious promise from the government of a "smoke-free Olympics" the market here is 350 million... and growing. So when a restaurant chain called Meizhou Dongpo responded to a call to make restaurants smoke-free, they quickly found themselves in trouble. Diners deserted the restaurant, flocking instead to the place across the street where they could light up with impunity. You know, we hear China is trying to ban smoking in government offices, too: maybe we'll soon see politicians rushing to Tennessee where the "smoke 'em if you got 'em" policy still pertains. #ceas #china #hacker #tsutsui
This is one of hundreds of 60-second radio spots created by the Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS) for Kansas Public Radio (KPR). The purpose of this outreach program is to introduce the people of Kansas to the culture and current issues of East Asia.
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Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
China, Beijing Olympics, Smoking, Smoke-free