The Effect of Postsurgical Edema of the Knee Joint on Reflex Inhibition of the Quadriceps Femoris
McDonough, Andrew L. ; Weir, Joseph P.
McDonough, Andrew L.
Weir, Joseph P.
The purpose of this case study was to investigate reflex inhibition of the quadriceps
femoris in a subject with postsurgical edema of the left knee. The subject
was a 45-year-old male with a traumatic knee injury with resultant edema
who underwent elective arthroscopic surgery. Reflex inhibition was assessed
by H-reflex elicitation in the femoral nerve and surface electromyography of
the quadriceps. To assess the degree of edema, direct circumferential measurements
were taken. On the first presurgical visit, the left knee demonstrated
mild edema with a decrease in H-reflex amplitudes. Two days after surgery, a
further reduction in amplitudes and more swelling were demonstrated followed
by an increase in amplitudes and a reduction in edema on the 28th
postoperative day. These findings document a relationship between reflex inhibition
and joint swelling that was previously described in experimental
models where joint edema was simulated.
Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 1996,5,172-182
© 1996 Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.
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Andrew L., McDonough, and Weir Joseph P.. "Case Studies The Effect of Postsurgical Edema of the Knee Joint on Reflex inhibition of the Quadriceps Femoris ." Journal of Sport Rehabilitatio 5.2 (1996): 172-182.