Black Literary Suite: New York Edition
Williams, Goyland ; Rambsy, Kenton
Williams, Goyland
Rambsy, Kenton
The posters and recordings in the Black Literary Suite: New York Edition reveal useful ways for considering the centrality of migration and location in African American literature. In the 23 novels featured in this exhibit, NYC—most often, Harlem—is a major location for each novel’s storyline. The prevalence of urban settings like New York City for novels tells us that writers view city environments as fertile ground for exploration in their narratives. African American fiction writers consistently depict the migration patterns of their characters, but what about the real life movement of black writers? And, why is New York City such a popular destination for them? Out of 19 novelists featured in this exhibit, 5 were born in NYC, 13 were living in NYC at the time of the novel’s publication, and 17 called NYC a permanent residence for at least 5 years. Surveying a wide body of novels at one time gives readers new insights into African American literature and culture.
This collection consists of a single PDF containing all the posters from the Black Literary Suite: New York Edition exhibit, as well as the audio commentary for each.
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University of Kansas