The Relationship of Exercisers’ Reasons for Using Physical Activity Trackers, Goal Orientations, Effort, and Enjoyment
Easton, Lauren Elizabeth
Easton, Lauren Elizabeth
Many university employees spend significant time sitting at their desks during the workday, placing them at a high risk for chronic diseases that contribute to health care expenditures (Fountaine, Piacentini, & Liguori, 2014). Companies have developed wearable physical activity tracking technology (PATT) to help individuals heighten their awareness of, monitor, and increase their daily activity levels. Employing Achievement Goal Perspective Theory (AGPT), the purpose of this study was to examine whether university employees’ goal orientations predicted their reasons for using PATT as well as exercise effort and enjoyment. University employees (203 females, 57 males; Mage = 42.35 years) across the U.S. completed an anonymous online and paper survey that included the Goal Orientations in Exercise Measure (Petherick & Markland, 2008), Reasons for Using a Physical Activity Tracker Survey (Easton & Fry, 2017), and Enjoyment and Effort Subscales of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (McAuley et al., 1989). Four stepwise linear regression analyses were calculated to assess the extent that goal orientations (task and ego) predicted task-related reasons for using PATT; ego-related reasons for using PATT; exercise effort; and enjoyment. Task orientation significantly and positively predicted task-related reasons for using PATT, while ego orientation significantly and positively predicted ego-related reasons for using PATT. Further, both task and ego orientation scores significantly and positively predicted effort, and enjoyment scores. Results indicate PATT manufacturers may benefit from creating software that promotes exercisers’ task-involvement, as task orientation is linked to more positive physical activity outcomes.
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University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Health education