Review Essay: Education and the Radical Critique
Sickle, Larry Van
Sickle, Larry Van
This essay will be primarily concerned with a critical analysis of recent writings pertaining to schooling in America. Included in the analysis will be the work of Samuel Bowles, Martin Carnoy, Herbert Gintis, Michael Katz, and Joel Spring. Although these scholars of American education will provide the theoretical framework for the essay, they do not necessarily concur on all issues. As we will later demonstrate, all of the works differ in many instances, especially their policy recommendations. If there is a common thread woven throughout all of these works, it is the intellectual debt they owe Karl Marx. All of them rely heavily on Marxian materialism in their analyses, but few utilize the Marxian dialectic to its fullest. The task of the essay will be an explication of the theories and subsequent policy recommendations of the works under scrutiny followed by a critical evaluation of the theory and its proposed praxis (or lack thereof).
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Department of Sociology, University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Mid-American Review of Sociology, Volume 2, Number 2 (WINTER, 1977), pp. 89-101 http://dx.doi.org/10.17161/STR.1808.4816