A pertinent issue from a general literary perspective
Mirtič, Tanja
Mirtič, Tanja
Namen prispevka je v glavnih obrisih prikazati pravorečne podatke v splošnem
razlagalnem slovarju, obenem pa na podlagi analize izsledkov anketne raziskave
ugotoviti potrebo po pravorečnem priročniku med zaposlenimi v medijih, gledališčih
in filmski produkciji ter osvetliti najpomembnejše problemske sklope slovenskega
pravorečja s stališča respondentov. V zadnjem delu prispevka je opozorjeno
na primanjkljaj temeljnih raziskav govorjene knjižne slovenščine in pomembnost
rednega spremljanja in zbiranja pravorečnih težav splošnih jezikovnih uporabnikov
in strokovnjakov, ki se poklicno ukvarjajo z govorjenim knjižnim jezikom,
izpostavljena pa je tudi potreba po premišljeno izdelanem korpusu, ki bi omogočal
zanesljive pravorečne analize.
The aim of this article is to present, in their main outlines, orthoepic data in the
general explanatory dictionary and, at the same time, on the basis of survey analysis,
to establish the need for an orthoepic manual amongst those employed in the media
sector, theatres and film production industry, as well as to shed light on the most
important problem areas of Slovenian orthoepy from the respondents’ point of view.
In the last part, the article addresses the deficiency of basic research in the field
of spoken Standard Slovene and the great importance of regular monitoring and
collecting of orthoepic problems detected by general language users and experts,
professionally dealing with spoken Standard Slovene. Another emphasis is also on
the need for a well thought out corpus that would allow reliable orthoepic analyses.
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University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
general explanatory dictionary, orthoepy, spoken Standard language, survey method, orthoepic manual, splošni razlagalni slovar, pravorečje, govorjeni knjižni jezik, metoda anketiranja, pravorečni priročnik