Slovenian language infrastructure as a language-political issue: needs and expectations of language users
Ledinek, Nina
Ledinek, Nina
V prispevku se s stanjem na področju oblikovanja slovenske jezikovne infrastrukture
ukvarjam kot z jezikovnopolitičnim vprašanjem. Prispevek prinaša analizo
aktualne pravne, finančne in organizacijske ureditve področja, predstavlja pa tudi
ključne izsledke o infrastrukturnih potrebah uporabnikov, kot so bile prepoznane
na podlagi analize in interpretacije podatkov iz ankete, izvedene v okviru projekta
Jezikovna politika Republike Slovenije in potrebe uporabnikov.
The article deals with Slovene language infrastructure as a language-policy issue. It
presents an analysis of the current legal, financial and organizational arrangements
in the field of language infrastructure, as well as key findings on users’ infrastructural
needs, as identified on the basis of the analysis and interpretation of data from
the survey conducted within the framework of the Language Policy of the Republic
of Slovenia and the Needs of Users project.
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University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
sociolinguistics, language policy, language status, language corpus, language resources, language technologies, sociolingvistika, jezikovna politika, status jezika, korpus jezika, jezikovni viri, jezikovne tehnologije