Perception of Administrative Support and How it Relates to Professional Growth and Job Satisfaction of Elementary Music Teachers
Stoltenberg, Katherine Therese
Stoltenberg, Katherine Therese
The purpose of this study was to examine the perception of administrative support, at the school and district levels, in order to identify how it related to professional growth and job satisfaction of elementary music teachers. Participants (N= 3) were practicing elementary general music teachers employed full-time in public schools, one each from urban, suburban and rural school districts within a Midwestern state. Each participant was interviewed twice, with three weeks between each interview. The interview questions related to administrative support and its impact on job satisfaction and professional growth. The researcher transcribed and coded the data and the themes of interpersonal skills, autonomy and visibility emerged. The findings indicated that the areas of job satisfaction and professional growth were impacted by interpersonal skills and autonomy, while visibility only seemed to affect job satisfaction. It also appeared that job satisfaction and professional growth were closely linked and impacted by administrative support. Recommendations and implications for future research are then discussed with respect to these results.
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University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Music education, Administration, Job Satisfaction, Music Education, Professional Growth, Support