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Student Perceptions Towards Mandated Assessments

Woolever, Jennifer
This study examined student perceptions towards testing mandates. The specific purpose was to gain an understanding into the perceptions students have towards testing mandates and determine their perceived value in the areas of (1) Improvement, (2) External Attribution, (3) Affective Benefits, and (4) Irrelevance. In analyzing the perceptions of students, this study also focused on particular demographics that were identified in the literature as significant predictors of student performance (i.e. gender, race/ethnicity, primary language, parent education, GPA and plans after high school) to determine if these variables not only affect student performance, but also perceptions towards mandated tests. This study investigated 360 ninth and tenth grade students from five high schools within one suburban school district. A demographic questionnaire, Brown’s student conceptions of assessment survey (SCoA-VI), and three open-ended response questions were utilized in the study. The findings showed 9th and 10th grade students disagreed about the importance these testing mandates had towards their “Improvement”, “External Attribution” and “Affective Benefits”. High school students agreed mandated assessments were irrelevant. In addition to the SCoA-VI and open-ended question, certain demographic characteristics were found to influence student perceptions towards mandated assessments. Females were more likely to view the assessments as unfair, ignored, not enjoyable or helpful and not a good measure for the quality of the school and/or their future employment when compared to male students. English speaking students were more likely to view mandated assessments as irrelevant when compared to other languages examined. Also, white students, those planning to attend college or technical training, and those with higher levels of parent/guardian education tended to disagree that mandated assessments were enjoyable and/or helpful to classmates. In conclusion, students had a dislike for testing mandates. Despite the negative feelings, students offered insights and suggestions for creating a more conducive measure that is relevant, reliable and offers opportunities for improvement.
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University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Educational tests & measurements, Mandated Assessments, State Assessments, Testing Mandates
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