An Exploratory Study of Student-Athlete Preparedness for Life After College
Meyer, Rachel Kaye
Meyer, Rachel Kaye
A significant amount of attention is placed on intercollegiate athletic departments and student-athletes nationwide; however, the preparedness of student-athletes for life after college is often sidelined. Previous research regarding student-athlete preparedness neglected to consider multiple dimensions at once, such as those that only focused on degree relevance to career aspirations. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore student-athlete preparedness for life after college through multiple categories including personal finance, education, career, health, and the value of sport participation. To compose an in-depth interpretation of the areas in which preparedness exists and is lacking, the researcher conducted semi-structured interviews. Results of these interviews revealed that participants are prepared to maintain their current health, pursue careers relevant to their degree and interests, and perform basic personal financial management skills after college. Furthermore, the responses of participants revealed a lack of preparation regarding long-term thinking, money and debt management, and employment experience. Additionally, the findings of this study exposed a number of influences on student-athlete preparedness both during and prior to college. This study is impactful in that it provides new insights on student-athlete preparedness for life after college and that it provides a foundation of knowledge for which future research can build on and be compared to.
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University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Sports management, Higher education, Academic, Develop, Intercollegiate, Preparedness, Sport, Student-Athlete