Will Medicaid Buy-In Participants Work and Earn More if Social Security Rules Change
Hall, Jean P.
Hall, Jean P.
Jensen and Silverstein (2005) reviewed federal actuarial estimates of potential increased earnings and program savings with a benefit offset and examined current employment and earnings trends among Social Security beneficiaries with disabilities. Preview federal studies projected that only 0.6% of SSDI beneficiaries would have earnings sufficient to reduce their cash benefits with a benefit offset program. Depending on various assumption, Jensen and Silverstein predicted that about 2-4% of current SSDI beneficiaries would increase their earnings to the point of reducing their federal cash benefits with the $1 for $2 federal demonstration model. We surveyed participants in the Kansas Working Healthy Medicaid Buy-In to assess how many people likely increase their employment and earnings under a gradual offset program and the characteristics of those who thought the would do so.
Journal Title
Journal ISSN
Volume Title
Working Healthy Policy Brief Number 9. Lawrence: University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Social Security, Medicaid Buy-in, Beneficiaries With Disabilities
Hall, Jean, P. (2007, August). Will Medicaid Buy-In Participants Work and Earn More if Social Security Rules Change. Working Healthy Policy Brief Number 9. Lawrence: University of Kansas