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A Strategically Timed Verbal Task Improves Performance and Neurophysiological Alertness During Fatiguing Drives

Atchley, Paul
Chan, Mark Sai Leong
Gregersen, Sabrina
Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate if a verbal task can improve alertness and if performance changes are associated with changes in alertness as measured by EEG. Background: Previous research has shown that a secondary task can improve performance on a short, monotonous drive. The current work extends this by examining longer, fatiguing drives. The study also uses EEG to confirm that improved driving performance is concurrent with improved driver alertness. Method: A 90-min, monotonous simulator drive was used to place drivers in a fatigued state. Four secondary tasks were used: no verbal task, continuous verbal task, late verbal task, and a passive radio task. Results: When engaged in a secondary verbal task at the end of the drive, drivers showed improved lane-keeping performance and had improvements in neurophysiological measures of alertness. Conclusion: A strategically timed concurrent task can improve performance even for fatiguing drives. Application: Secondary-task countermeasures may prove useful for enhancing driving performance across a range of driving conditions.
This is the author's accepted manuscript. The original publication is available at http://hfs.sagepub.com/content/56/3/453.
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SAGE Publications
Research Projects
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Countermeasures, Monotony, fatigued driving, Alertness, Concurrent task, Attention
Atchley, Paul; Chan, Mark; Gregersen, Sabrina. (2014). "A Strategically Timed Verbal Task Improves Performance and Neurophysiological Alertness During Fatiguing Drives." Human Factors, 56(3):453-462. http://www.dx.doi.org/10.1177/0018720813500305.
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