Effects of the Flying Start on Estimated Short Sprint Profiles Using Timing Gates
Jovanović, Mladen ; Cabarkapa, Dimitrije ; Andersson, Håkan ; Nagy, Dora ; Trunic, Nenad ; Bankovic, Vladimir ; Zivkovic, Aleksandar ; Repasi, Richard ; Safar, Sandor ; Ratgeber, Laszlo
Jovanović, Mladen
Cabarkapa, Dimitrije
Andersson, HÃ¥kan
Nagy, Dora
Trunic, Nenad
Bankovic, Vladimir
Zivkovic, Aleksandar
Repasi, Richard
Safar, Sandor
Ratgeber, Laszlo
Short sprints are predominantly assessed using timing gates and analyzed through parameters of the mono-exponential equation, including estimated maximal sprinting speed (MSS) and relative acceleration (TAU), derived maximum acceleration (MAC), and relative propulsive maximal power (PMAX), further referred to as the No Correction model. However, the frequently recommended flying start technique introduces a bias during parameter estimation. To correct this, two additional models (Estimated TC and Estimated FD) were proposed. To estimate model precision and sensitivity to detect the change, 31 basketball players executed multiple 30 m sprints. Athlete performance was simultaneously measured by a laser gun and timing gates positioned at 5, 10, 20, and 30 m. Short sprint parameters were estimated using a laser gun, representing the criterion measure, and five different timing gate models, representing the practical measures. Only the MSS parameter demonstrated a high agreement between the laser gun and timing gate models, using the percent mean absolute difference (%MAD) estimator (%MAD < 10%). The MSS parameter also showed the highest sensitivity, using the minimum detectable change estimator (%MDC95), with an estimated %MDC95 < 17%. Interestingly, sensitivity was the highest for the No Correction model (%MDC95 < 7%). All other parameters and models demonstrated an unsatisfying level of sensitivity. Thus, sports practitioners should be cautious when using timing gates to estimate maximum acceleration indices and changes in their respective levels.
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Research Projects
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Sport, Radar, Testing, Athlete, Basketball, Performance, Speed, Acceleration, Power
Jovanović M, Cabarkapa D, Andersson H, Nagy D, Trunic N, Bankovic V, Zivkovic A, Repasi R, Safar S, Ratgeber L. Effects of the Flying Start on Estimated Short Sprint Profiles Using Timing Gates. Sensors (Basel). 2024 May 1;24(9):2894. doi: 10.3390/s24092894. PMID: 38733001; PMCID: PMC11086264.