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Mammalian distributional records in Yucatán and Quintana Roo, with comments on reproduction, structure, and status of peninsular populations.

Birney, Elmer C.
Bowles, John B.
Timm, Robert M.
Williams, Stephen L.
Specimens of one marsupial, 25 species of bats, one edentate, 12 species of rodents, and five carnivores are reported from localities in Yucatán and Quintana Roo. Noctilio leporinus and Eumops bonariensis are added to the faunal list of Yucatán, and the first specimens of Chiroderma villosum and Lasiurus intermedius from Quintana Roo are reported. Other species poorly known from the peninsula and represented in our collections include Eptesicus furinalis, Lasiurus ega, Eumops glaucinus, Promops centralis, Tamandua tetradactyla, Heteromys gaumeri, Coendou mexicanus, and Conepatus semistriatus. Indices of similarity and diversity were calculated and discussed for samples of bats from nine collecting sites and for rodents from four sites. Trends in reproductive patterns of peninsular mammals and our interpretations of some aspects of man's interactions with mammals of the area are discussed.
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breeding synchrony, Chiroptera, distributions, faunal similarity, human impact, Mexico, Rodentia, systematics
Birney, E. C., J. B. Bowles, R. M. Timm, and S. L. Williams. 1974. Mammalian distributional records in Yucatán and Quintana Roo, with comments on reproduction, structure, and status of peninsular populations. Occasional Papers, Bell Museum of Natural History, University of Minnesota 13:1–25.
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