
3DGIS for Analysis of Ancient Maya Architecture & Landscapes

Richards-Rissetto, Heather
3DGIS for Discourse, Analysis, and Interpretations of Ancient Maya Architecture and Landscapes. Archaeological projects increasingly acquire and create 3D data of objects, buildings, and even landscapes; however, it is still a challenge to make these data accessible for researchers and cultural heritage managers and link these models to geo-referenced data sets for visualization and analysis. To address this issue, the MayaArch3D Project ( is working to develop a 3D WebGIS-called QueryArch3D-to allow 3D models and GIS- to “talk to each other” for studies of architecture and landscapes-in this case, the eighth-century Maya kingdom of Copan, Honduras. In this talk, I will discuss how we are using 3D WebGIS to develop new visibility methods to explore the visibility or inter-visibility of monuments and buildings to or from common pathways that inhabitants of different social quarters may have taken while moving through the city of Copan. I will also present on an affiliated project-MayaCityBuilder-recently begun at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln that is using procedural modeling, rapid proto-typing of 3D models from a set of rules, to allow for the efficient and low-cost creation of alternative ancient Maya landscapes in order to foster discourse, analysis, and interpretations.
Digital Humanities Seminar, University of Kansas, Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities & Hall Center for the Humanities, October 19th, 2015. Heather Richards-Rissetto is at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
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Digital Humanities, 3D GIS, Maya Civilization (event), Maya Architecture
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