Translation of a Nutrition Literacy Assessment Instrument for Use in the Latino Population of Greater Kansas City
Owens, Sarah
Owens, Sarah
Introduction: An individual’s degree of nutrition literacy impacts their diet quality and overall health. Determining an individual’s or a population’s nutrition literacy can help registered dietitians and other nutrition experts tailor educational programs and materials to meet the educational needs of their audience. Latinos face disparities when it comes to health and health education. The purpose of this research is to translate and validate a nutrition literacy assessment tool for use among this population. Methods: The Nutrition Literacy Assessment Instrument (NLit) developed by Dr. Heather Gibbs was adjusted to be culturally relevant for the Latino population of Kansas City and translated into Spanish. The NLit-S was reviewed by experts and tested using cognitive interviews in order to determine content validity and relevance to the target population. Finally, the reading level of the NLit-S was determined using the Fernandez-Huerta Readability Test. Results: The content of the NLit-S was found to be valid and written at a reading level appropriate for the target audience. Discussion: Assessment of nutrition literacy among the Latino population will allow health professionals to design nutrition education interventions that meet the needs of the population in the effort to reduce the risk of chronic disease development. Since there is no nutrition literacy assessment tool written and validated for use among Latinos, this research will attempt to close that gap by translating a valid instrument into Spanish and ensuring cultural validity for the target population.
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University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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