Акцентологические наблюдения к реконструкции праславянского диалекта в Паннонии
Greenberg, Marc L. ; Habijanec, Siniša ; Гринберг, Марк Л. ; Хабиянец, Синиша
Greenberg, Marc L.
Habijanec, Siniša
Гринберг, Марк Л.
Хабиянец, Синиша
The paper represents the authors’ first attempt to collect the accentual peculiarities recoverable from the extinct Late Common Slavic dialect traditionally named “Pannonian” Slavic as a prequel to their entry the topic for the Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics. The difficulty of defining this dialect is acknowledged (distinct, transitional), for which reason the authors take an agnostic view, focusing not just on the traditional notion of the Slavic speech community that disappeared from the Carpathian Basin with language shift to Hungarian from the 9–12 cc., but also the surviving dialect areas that might be provisionally labeled “circum-Pannonian,” which potentially includes the Czecho-Slovak areal, SW Ukrainian, Slovene, Kajkavian, and W peripheral areas of Štokavian.
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Институт славяноведения РАН (Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Research Projects
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Journal Issue
Slavic languages, Proto-Slavic, accentology, Hungarian-Slavic language contact, historical linguistics
М. Л. Гринберг (США), С. Хабиянец (Словакия). 2023. "Акцентологические наблюдения к реконструкции праславянского диалекта в Паннонии." Славянское и балканское языкознани. Балто-славянская компаративистика. Акцентология. Дальнее родство языков. Памяти Владимира Антоновича Дыбо / отв. ред. С. Л. Николаев.
— М.: Институт славяноведения РАН, 2023. Pp. 53-65.