Slavia Centralis 2018/1

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Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Seventh International Scientific Meeting Slovenian Dialects in Contact (2018)
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2018-01) Jakop, Tjaša
  • Publication
    The first dialectology of the Montenegrin language (Adnan Čirgić, Dialectology of the Montenegrin language, FCJK, 2017)
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2018-01) Vujovic, Novica
  • Publication
    Alojzija Zupan Sosič: The theory of narrative
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2018-01) Vollmaier Lubej, Janja
  • Publication
    There are no coincidences in life, with the right key, new spaces are being opened: in tribute to Professor dr. Fedori Ferlugi - Petronio (1946−2018)
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2018-01) Rich, Eva Premk
  • Publication
    Refreshing the memory of the famous Slovenes in Graz
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2018-01) Karnicar, Ludvik
  • Publication
    Translation in foreign language teaching: Russian language teaching through English literary translations
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2018-01) Kaloh Vid, Natalia
    The following article focuses on the use of re-translations in the course Russian as a foreign language and suggests translation activities that help the students to improve their knowledge of the Russian language by reading, analyzing and discussing re-translations. This method was used in the second part of the 60-hour elective course Russian Language I, once the students were familiar with the Cyrillic alphabet and were able to read shorter texts. English re-translations of Russian literary texts were used. The students focused primarily on recognizing and translating culturally specific elements. The aim of the activity was to stimulate students’ interest in a foreign cultural environment and to enable them to use the existing knowledge of the foreign language and their imagination instead of dictionaries and glossaries. In the second phase of the activity, students presented their solutions and ideas and shared their experience with the professor. Prispevek se osredotoča na uporabo povratnega prevajanja pri učenju ruščine kot tujega jezika in začrta predloge prevajalskih aktivnosti, ki bi lahko študentom pomagali, da z branjem, analizo in razpravami o povratnih prevodih izboljšajo svoje znanje ruskega jezika. Omenjena metoda je bila uporabljena v drugem delu 60-urnega izbirnega predmeta Lektorat ruskega jezika I, ko so se študentje že seznanili s cirilico in so bili sposobni brati krajša besedila. Uporabljeni so bili angleški prevodi ruskih literarnih besedil, študentje pa so se morali osredotočiti predvsem na prepoznavanje in povratno prevajanje kulturnospecifičnih elementov. Cilj dejavnosti je bil pri študentih spodbuditi zanimanje za tuje okolje ter jim omogočiti, da uporabijo obstoječe znanje tujega jezika ter svojo domišljijo in ne le slovarje ter glosarje. V drugi fazi dejavnosti so študentje predstavili svoje rešitve in ideje ter svoje izkušnje delili s profesorico.
  • Publication
    (Ne)omejenost tvorbe feminativov v slovenščini
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2018-01) Markežič, Tjaša
    Word formation analyses from the nineteen-eighties and nineties note that feminine equivalents cannot be created for all masculine designations of beings. Data from language corpora and the world wide web prove that the formation of the majority of those is not only possible but also quite common, while some of them are making their first steps towards colloquial use. The possible absence of some female parental parallels can be socio-historically and biologically conditioned. Besedotvorne analize iz osemdesetih in devetdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja ugotavljajo, da za vsa moškospolska poimenovanja bitij ni mogoče tvoriti ustreznega feminativa. Podatki iz jezikovnih korpusov in svetovnega spleta pa dokazujejo, da je njihova tvorba za večino njih ne samo možna, ampak celo že dokaj pogosta, nekateri feminativi pa si pot v vsakdanjo jezikovno rabo šele utirajo. Morebitna odsotnost nekaterih ženskospolskih oblik pa je lahko družbenozgodovinsko in biološko pogojena.
  • Publication
    Pater Oton Škola in njegov rokopisni slovar Pronouncing Dictionary – English and German (1839)
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2018-01) Štavbar, Simona
    The article discusses the manuscript dictionary Pronouncing Dictionary – English and German compiled by the Slovenian Franciscan missionary, lexicographer and painter, Fr. Otto Skolla. The dictionary from 1839 is to my knowledge the only preserved example of a pronouncing dictionary compiled by the Slovenian missionary, probably for his own use, i. e. to learn a foreign language (English) for the purpose of his missionary work. The dictionary has thus far not been discussed in more detail in Slovenian scholarly literature. The article offers a short presentation of the life and work of the Franciscan missionary Fr. Otto Skolla followed by the metalexicographic description and the description of certain microstructural characteristics of this dictionary. V prispevku je obravnavan rokopisni slovar Pronouncing Dictionary – English and German1 slovenskega frančiškana, misijonarja, leksikografa in slikarja p. Otona Škole. Slovar iz leta 1839 je po mojem védenju edini ohranjeni primer izgovarjalnega slovarja, ki ga je pripravil slovenski misijonar, najverjetneje za lastno rabo, tj. da se nauči tujega jezika (angleščine) za potrebe misijonarjenja. Njegov obstoj v slovenski strokovni literaturi ni natančneje obravnavan. V prispevku je na kratko predstavljeno življenje in delo frančiškana in misijonarja p. Otona Škole. Sledi metaleksikografski opis rokopisnega slovarja, nato pa so opisane nekatere njegove mikrostrukturne značilnosti.
  • Publication
    Az illír mozgalom magyar kötődései – horvát szemmel II
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2018-01) Lukács, István; Kálecz-Simon, Orsolya
    The article provides a historical overview of the Croatian scientific interpretation of Hungarian contacts and spiritual-political patterns in the development of the Croatian Illyrian movement. The first part of the study focuses on basic modern theoretical views on the reconstruction of historical narratives and Croatian scientific achievements in the research of the pre-Illyrian period. The second part presents how the development of the Hungarian national consciousness influenced the development of the Croatian national consciousness, why the common Hungarian National Assembly became the medium of transmission of new ideas and how the newly established Hungarian institutions, infrastructural and economic initiatives, the struggle for the Hungarian language, the Hungarian press and political ideas formed the Croatian national modernization. Prispevek daje zgodovinski pregled hrvaške znanstvene interpretacije madžarskih stikov in duhovno-političnih vzorcev v razvoju hrvaškega ilirskega gibanja. V prvem delu najine študije sva predstavila osnovna sodobna teoretična stališča o rekonstrukciji zgodovinskih narativ in hrvaške znanstvene dosežke v raziskovanju predilirskega obdobja, v drugem delu pa je predstavljeno, kako je razvoj madžarske nacionalne zavesti vplival na razvoj hrvaške nacionalne zavesti, zakaj je postal medij posredovanja novih idej skupni madžarski državni zbor, kako so novonastale madžarske institucije, infrastrukturne in gospodarske iniciative, boj za madžarski jezik, madžarski tisk ter meščanske ideje oblikovali hrvaško nacionalno modernizacijo.
  • Publication
    Autobiography, travelogue, autobiographical travelogue and fictional prose by Alma Karlin
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2018-01) Borovnik, Silvija
    Članek zvrstno opredeljuje literarno delo Alme Karlin, pisateljice iz Celja, ki je pisala v nemščini, bila v obdobju med obema svetovnima vojnama zelo znana in priljubljena avtorica, po drugi svetovni vojni pa v Jugoslaviji kot »nemška« zamolčana in zanikovana. V članku je njena proza razdeljena na avtobiografijo, potopis, avtobiografsko potopisno in fiktivno prozo. Proza Alme Karlin je bila dolgo literarnovedno neraziskana. V članku so analizirani njeni vzorčni primeri in uvrščeni v evropski kontekst. Alma Karlin je predstavljena kot dvojna, medkulturna, nemško-slovenska pisateljska identiteta. The article defines the literary work of Alma Karlin by genre. She was a writer from Celje that wrote in German. Between the two world wars, she was a famous and a very popular author. In Yugoslavia, after the Second World War, she was disregarded and ignored as a “German” author. The article divides her prose into autobiography, travelogue, and fiction. From the standpoint of literary science, Alma Karlin’s prose had been unexplored for a long time. In the article, her examples are analyzed in the European context. Alma Karlin is presented as a double, intercultural, German-Slovenian identity.
  • Publication
    Slavia Centralis – ob 10. obletnici izhajanja
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2018-01) Ulcnik, Natalia