Slavia Centralis, 2021/2

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  • Publication
    Matjaž KLEMENČIČ, Tadej ŠERUGA, 2019: An overview of the history of the Slovenian community in Ely, Minnesota
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2021-10-18) Koderman, Miha
    The author presents the scientific monograph by Matjaž Klemenčič and Tadej Šeruga, entitled Overview of the history of the Slovenian community in Ely, Minnesota , which was published in 2019 in the Zora International Book Collection.
  • Publication
    The guide's catechism: the Kerchan doctrine of the Illyrian deshele, all of it is the Catechism of all the churches of the French Empire
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2021-10-18) Müller, Jakob
    The author presents the latest scientific monograph on Valentin Vodnik.
  • Publication
    The Eastern and Western mystic philosophy and allness reflected in Andrei Tarkovsky’s films
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2021-10-18) Sosnin, Alexey; Balakina, Julia; Belova, Polina
    Cilj raziskave je primerjati izobraževalno jezikovno politiko, ki se uradno izvaja v Republiki Krim, z de facto jezikovno politiko, kot se odraža v medijskem diskurzu in na družbenih omrežjih v obdobju 2014–2020. Raziskava metodološko temelji na teoriji konstruiranja družbenih vprašanj (Spector, Kitsuse 1977), ki izhaja iz načel družbenega konstruktivizma (Berger, Luckmann 1966). Študija kot osnovni delovni postopek uporablja kvalitativno analizo vsebine. Avtorji sklepajo, da uradni podatki o vernakularnem izobraževanju na Krimu delno sovpadajo z informacijami, objavljenimi v medijih in obravnavanimi na družbenih omrežjih. To se še posebej nanaša na vse manjše število tistih, ki se izobražujejo v ukrajinskem jeziku. Gledano na splošno ima izobraževalna jezikovna politika v regiji podporo večine Krimljanov (govorcev ruskega jezika). The research cited in the article aims to compare the educational language policy officially pursued in the Republic of Crimea with the de facto language policy as it is reflected in the media discourse and social networks over the period 2014-2020. Methodologically, the research draws upon the theory of constructing social issues (Spector, Kitsuse 1977), which is based on the principles of social constructivism (Berger, Luckmann 1966). The study employs qualitative content analysis as the basic working procedure. The authors conclude that the official data on vernacular education in the Crimea partially coincide with the information published in the media and discussed in social networks. This particularly concerns the diminishing rate of those getting education in the Ukrainian language. Overall, the educational language policy pursued in the region enjoys popular support with the majority of the Crimeans (who are speakers of Russian).
  • Publication
    The Eastern and Western mystic philosophy and allness reflected in Andrei Tarkovsky’s films
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2021-10-18) Eun Park, Young
    Članek na različnih ravneh preučuje dela Tarkovskega in skuša razumeti tista njegova dela, ki temeljijo na vzhodni in zahodni religiji ter filozofiji. Analiziran je vpliv teh del na režiserjev pogled na svet. Slednjega namreč zaznamujejo tako orientalske kot tudi zahodne religije in ideje v povezavi z različnimi mističnimi in duhovnimi filozofi, med njimi Rudolfa Steinerja in Georgija Gurdzhieva. Tarkovski je preučeval knjige Gurdzhieva in Uspenskega, ki sta z uvajanjem orientalske filozofije in sistema performansa v zahodno filozofijo izvedla revolucijo v zavesti sveta. Zelo ga je zanimala tudi Steinerjeva filozofija oz. t. i. duhovna znanost. Laozijeve »vrline« ali elementi budistične filozofije v njegovih filmih dokazujejo, da si je prizadeval za integracijo vzhodne filozofije v zahodno. This article examines Tarkovsky’s works at various levels by understanding his individual work microscopically based upon the Eastern and Western religions and philosophy, and analyzes the influence on Tarkovsky’s view of the world. Tarkovsky’s world view, which includes the oriental and western religions and ideas, was able to identify the connection with various ideas of mystic and spiritual philosophers, including Rudolf Steiner and Georgii Gurdzhiev. Tarkovsky explored the books of Gurdzhiev and Uspensky, who led the revolution in the consciousness of the world by introducing the oriental philosophy and performance system to the Western philosophy. He was also very interested in Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy “spiritual science”. The expression of Laozi’s “virtues” or Buddhist philosophy in his films is also a proof that he had made efforts to integrate Eastern philosophy with Western philosophy.
  • Publication
    About duality in selected Polish translations of Slovenian prose
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2021-10-18) Gawlak, Monika
    Prispevek obravnava poskuse prenosa pomena, ki je prisoten v slovnični kategoriji dvojine, na podlagi izbranih prevodov slovenske proze, prevedene v poljščino. Prevajalci izbirajo različne rešitve: redukcijo v množino – posledično se spremenijo slovnične in pomenske informacije; uvedbo pojasnil o prisotnosti dvojine ali zamenjavo/substitucijo in razlago. Uvajanje prevajalčevih informacij o dvojini prispeva k transkulturnemu procesu, v katerega je vključen prevod. Predstavlja sled srečanja dveh različnih slovničnih sistemov in ustvarja transkulturno razsežnost prevoda in prevajanja. The article discusses attempts to transfer meanings contained in the grammatical category of dual based on selected translations of prose from Slovenian into Polish. Translators choose different solutions: reduction to the plural, resulting in a change in grammatical and semantic information; introduction of explicit information about the presence of the dual forms; or substitution and explication. Having added information about dual, the translator contributes to a transcultural process in which the translation is involved. It leaves a trace of the meeting between two different grammatical systems and creates a transcultural dimension to the translation.
  • Publication
    Joachim Du Bellay: A closed or open understanding of history?
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2021-10-18) Pintarič, Miha
    Zbirka Joachima Du Bellayja Rimske ruševine je pisana v visokem slogu, kar je za tega pesnika prej izjema kot pravilo. Na več mestih v drugih zbirkah sicer poudari, da je predvsem pesnik nizkega sloga in da visokega raje prepušča Ronsardu. Rimske ruševine predstavljajo Rim z več vidikov, po navadi v primerjavi z nečim drugim (na primer sedem čudes antičnega sveta pesnik primerja s sedmimi rimskimi griči). Vse te podrobnosti skupaj sestavljajo pravo »kratko zgodovino Rima«. Du Bellayja ne zanima zgodovina sama zase, temveč njen smisel. Njegova osnova bo krščanska, obilno bosta nanj vplivala tudi neoplatonizem in stoicizem, na koncu pa nam bo preostal uvid v eklektično mešanico zgodovine in njenega smisla, ki jo bo treba definirati. The Ruins of Rome is a collection of poetry by Joachim Du Bellay, written in the style called sublime, which is an exception rather than a rule for this poet. Elsewhere in his work he claims to be a poet of the low style who would gladly leave the other style to Ronsard. The Ruins of Rome picture this city from a variety of aspects, usually in comparison with something else (e. g. the seven wonders of the ancient world are compared to the seven hills of Rome). All these details put together compose an authentic brief history of the city. Du Bellay is not, however, interested in history in itself, but in its meaning. This will be Christian with a fair share of Neo-platonic and Stoical influence, but it remains to be seen what its eclectic ‘mixture’ will be.
  • Publication
    Approaches to teaching cases in Slovene as a second and foreign language
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2021-10-18) Nikolovski, Gjoko; Ulčnik, Natalija
    Veliko učencem slovenščine kot drugega in tujega jezika, katerih materinščina sodi med analitične jezike, je v izhodišču nejasen koncept sklonov in sklanjatev. Prav zato jim je treba oba pojma približati in pri tem uporabiti učni pristop, ki jim bo omogočil lažje usvajanje sklonov in sklanjatev ter vseh posebnosti, ki se pri tem pojavljajo. V prispevku je na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč in učne prakse izpostavljen eden izmed možnih pristopov k poučevanju sklonov v slovenščini. Many students of Slovene as a second and foreign language, whose mother tongue is an analytical language, have a vague concept of cases and declensions. This is why it is necessary to familiarise them with both concepts by using a teaching approach that will enable them to learn cases and declensions along with all their peculiarities more easily. On the basis of theoretical grounds and teaching practice, the article highlights one possible approach to teaching cases in Slovene.
  • Publication
    English stative verbs ‘hope’ and ‘love’ and the progressive aspect: in examples from COCA
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2021-10-18) Chłopek, Dorota
    Namen prispevka je nematerne govorce angleščine na podlagi primerov iz korpusa COCA seznaniti z rabo ne preveč priljubljenih struktur, kot sta I am hoping ‘upam’ in I am loving ‘ljubim’, v katerih so t. i. statični glagoli rabljeni v nedovršni obliki. Ti glagoli praviloma ne izkazujejo nedovršne oblike, kljub temu pa, kot kažejo primeri konkordanc s korpusa COCA, obstajajo posebne okoliščine, v katerih materni govorci angleščine (konkretno ameriške angleščine), omenjene strukture uporabljajo pri komunikaciji. Možne so le v posebnih okoliščinah, spodbudijo pa jih lahko leksikalni in slovnični razlogi ter govorne navade. Korpus COCA vsebuje številne situacije avtentične rabe angleščine, v katerih so omenjeni glagoli uporabljeni v nedovršni obliki, zato je v prispevku nanje opozorjeno. The objective of the present paper is to introduce non-native speakers of English to COCA examples of usage of not very popular constructions, such as ‘I am hoping’ and ‘I am loving’, containing stative verbs in the progressive aspect. Stative verbs typically do not exhibit the progressive aspect. Nonetheless, as instances of COCA concordances demonstrate, there are ‘special’ situations in which native speakers of English, in this case American English, may communicate using the said constructions. Lexical and grammatical aspects plus speaking habits produce constructions which are sanctioned only in specific circumstances. COCA demonstrates numerous situations in which different sources of authentic English display the said stative verbs in the progressive aspect. Hence, the present article signals the said issues.
  • Publication
    Selected universal processes leading to changes in world’s languages
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2021-10-18) Kida, Ireneusz
    Članek obravnava različne pojave, kot so preglas, harmonija samoglasnikov in gramatikalizacija, ki povzročajo jezikovne spremembe. Zdi se, da so ti procesi univerzalni, saj so zanačilni za številne svetovne jezike. V razpravi so primerjani angleški, nemški, švedski, latinski, španski, francoski, arabski, poljski, srbski, makedonski, romunski, grški in finski jezik ter tok pisin. The article discusses various processes, such as umlaut, vowel harmony, lenition and grammaticalisation, which lead to language change. These processes seem to be universal and they can be found in numerous languages of the world. Aspects of the following languages are going to be discussed here: English, German, Swedish, Latin, Spanish, French, Arabic, Polish, Serbian, Macedonian, Romanian, Greek, Finnish and Tok Pisin.
  • Publication
    Conversion in grammar and dictionary
    (2021-10-18) Legan Ravnikar, Andreja
    V prispevku analiziram konverzijo kot enega od načinov nastajanja novega leksema brez spremembe morfemskega sestava, pri katerem se pomen spremeni sorazmerno s spremenjeno skladenjsko vlogo in slovničnimi lastnostmi izhodiščnega leksema. V 16. stoletju je bila konverzija pomemben postopek za širitev knjižne leksike, zato je bilo za njeno uslovarjenje nujno oblikovati merila za prepoznavanje in dokazovanje konverznosti. Analiza konverznega leksema zajema prepoznavanje novih slovničnih (oblikoslovnih) kategorij, skladenjskih vlog in pomenskih sprememb v odnosu do izhodiščnega leksema ter odkrivanje novih medleksemskih razmerij. In this paper, we analyze conversion as one of the ways of creating a new lexeme without changing its morphemic structure, in which the meaning changes in proportion to the changed syntactic role and grammatical properties of the base lexeme. In the 16th century, conversion was an important method for the expansion of the literary language vocabulary, so it was necessary to formulate criteria for recognizing and proving conversion in order to show converted lexemes in independent dictionary entries. The analysis of the converted lexeme includes the identification of new grammatical (morphological) categories, syntactic roles and semantic changes in relation to the base lexeme, and the discovery of new interlexemic relations.
  • Publication
    Linguistic changes in the 1768 second edition of Matija Kastelec’s Mesec božje ljubezni [The Month of God’s Love] from the collection Nebeški cilj [Heavenly Goal] (1684)
    (2021-10-18) Orel, Irena
    Prispevek na podlagi primerjave izvirnega besedila Matije Kastelca Mesec božje ljubezni iz Nebeškega cilja (1684) in prirejene samostojne izdaje iz leta 1768 osvetljuje jezikoslovne (črkopisne in pravopisne, glasoslovne, oblikoslovne, skladenjske in leksikalne) spremembe, ki izkazujejo odmik od Kastelčeve tradicionalno dolenjske baročne knjižne norme k mlajši gorenjski z začetka narodnega preroda v drugi polovici 18. stoletja, primerljivi z normo v Krajnski gramatiki (1768) Marka Pohlina. Izhodišče jezikovne primerjave predstavljajo razprave Martine Orožen, v katerih je začrtala smernice jezikovnega razvoja in v Kastelčevem jeziku prepoznala kontinuiteto s protestantsko tradicijo in Stiškim rokopisom iz 15. stoletja. Based on a comparison of Matija Kastelec’s original text Mesec božje ljubezni [The Month of God’s Love] from Nebeški cilj [Heavenly Goal] (1684) and an adapted independent edition from 1768, the article sheds light on the linguistic changes (orthography and spelling, phonology, morphology, syntax and lexicology), which correspond to a shift from Kastelec’s traditional Lower Carniolan Baroque literary norm to the younger Upper Carniolan literary norm at the beginning of the national renaissance in the second half of the 18th century, comparable to the norm in Marko Pohlin’s Carniolan Grammar (1768). The starting point of the linguistic comparison is Martina Orožen’s work, in which she outlines the guidelines for language development and recognizes that Kastelec’s language displays continuity with the Protestant tradition and the Stična manuscript from the 15th century.
  • Publication
    Findings of Slovene linguists on the grammatical form of the future tense in the Slovene language
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2021-10-18) Orožen, Martina
    Razprava predstavlja poglede slovenskih jezikoslovcev (Valentin Vodnik, Jernej Kopitar, Fran Metelko, Ivan Navratil, Franc Miklošič, Janez Šolar, Anton Janežič, Stanislav Škrabec, Viktor Bežek) na rabo prihodnjika v slovenskem jeziku 18. in 19. stoletja. Vprašanja futuralno-modalnih izraznih možnosti v slovenskem knjižnem jeziku niso celostno obravnavali, zato je potrebno pojasniti razvoj opozicij futuralno-modalnih oblik v zgodovinskem razvoju knjižne slovenščine in jih obravnavati hierarhično kot (1) futuralno gramatično obliko, (2) dovršni sedanjik in (3) modalne in druge nedoločniške zveze. The discussion presents the views of Slovene linguists (Valentin Vodnik, Jernej Kopitar, Fran Metelko, Ivan Navratil, Franc Miklošič, Janez Šolar, Anton Janežič, Stanislav Škrabec, Viktor Bežek) on the use of the future tense in the Slovene language of the 18th and 19th centuries. All questions regarding futural and modal possibilities of expression in the Slovene literary language have not been comprehensively addressed, so it is necessary to explain the development of oppositions to futural and modal forms in the historical development of literary Slovene language and treat them hierarchically as (1) a futural grammatical form, (2) a perfect present tense, and (3) modal and other indefinite conjunctions.
  • Publication
    Historical development of the futural and modal system in standard Slovene language from the 16th to the 19th Century
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2021-10-16) Orožen, Martina
    bila zagovarjana leta 1966 na Oddelku za slovanske jezike in književnosti Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani; je dokument časa, v katerem je disertacija nastajala in doslej tudi edini celostni pregled zgodovinskega razvoja futuralno-modalnega sistema na Slovenskem. The discussion was based on the dissertation with the same title by Martina Orožen, which she defended in 1966 at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana; it is a document of the time in which the dissertation was written and so far the only comprehensive overview of the historical development of the futural and modal system in Slovenia.
  • Publication
    Tireless creation and getting to know the Creator
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2021-10-16) Karničar, Ludvik
    Graška univerza, zlasti slavistika in slovenistika, sta bili pomembno izobraževalno in raziskovalno središče Slovencev, mesto Gradec pa eden od rojstnih krajev slovenske nacionalne kulture v 19. stoletju. Z graško slavistiko se je močno prepletala tudi znanstvena pot slavljenke profesorice Orožnove, ki letos slavi svojo 90-letnico. The University of Graz, especially the departments of Slavic and Slovene Studies, was an important educational and research center for Slovenes, and the city of Graz was one of the birthplaces of the Slovene national culture in the 19th century. The scientific path of Professor Orožen, who is celebrating her 90th birthday this year, was strongly intertwined with Graz Slavic studies.
  • Publication
    Poland in her heart (on the occasion of the 90th birthday of Professor dr. Martina Orožen)
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2021-10-16) Tokarz, Emil
    Prispevek je napisan v čast redne profesorice Martine Orožen, odlične poznavalke zgodovinske slovnice in dialektologije slovenskega jezika, ki obhaja visok življenjski jubilej. Predstavljena je kot najvišja avtoriteta v stroki; ustvarila je jezikoslovno šolo, v kateri skupaj s svojimi učenci raziskuje diahronijo slovenskega jezika – uspešna znanstvenoraziskovalna pot Martine Orožen se je začela leta 1962, ko je prišla na krajše strokovno izpopolnjevanje v Varšavo in Krakov. The paper is written in honor of full professor Martina Orožen, an expert in historical grammar and dialectology of the Slovene language, who is celebrating her 90th birthday. She is presented as the highest authority in the profession; she created a language school to research the diachrony of the Slovene language with her students – her successful scientific research path began in 1962, when she came to Warsaw and Krakow for a short professional training.
  • Publication
    From the life and work of Martina Orožen
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2021-10-16) Jesenšek, Marko
    V prispevku je predstavljena življenjska pot Martine Orožen, rojene 12. oktobra 1931 v Turju, zaslužne profesorice za zgodovinsko slovnico in dialektologijo slovenskega jezika na Oddelku za slovanske jezike in književnosti Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani – otroštvo v Turju, družinska tragedija med drugo svetovno vojno, šolanje na gimnaziji v Celju, študij slavistike v Ljubljani, zaposlitev na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani in študijska izpopolnjevanja ter gostujoča predavanja v Varšavi, Krakovu, na Dunaju, v Gradcu in Celovcu. This paper presents the life of Martina Orožen, born on 12 October 1931 in Turje, honored professor of Historical Grammar and Dialectology of the Slovene Language at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana – she spent her childhood in Turje, a family tragedy happened during the Second World War, she went to the grammar school in Celje, then she studied Slavic Studies in Ljubljana and got employed at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana, then received further study training and held guest lectures in Warsaw, Krakow, Vienna, Graz and Klagenfurt.
  • Publication
    About the surname Orožen
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2021-10-16) Snoj, Marko
    The author of the article justifies the origin of the surname Orožen.