Slavia Centralis 2017/2

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  • Publication
    Stojan Bračič, Mateja Petrovčič (Hg.): Partikeln überall. Deutsch – Slowenisch – Chinesich
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2017-07-01) Jesenšek, Vida
  • Publication
    Slovenistika 10. Zbornik predavanj. Ur. Mária Bajzek Lukácsné
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2017-07-01) Ulčnik, Natalija
  • Publication
    Joop van der Horst, 2016: Propast standardnoga jezika. Mijena u jezičnoj kulturi Zapadne Europe
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2017-07-01) Puškar, Krunoslav
  • Publication
    Alenka Jensterle Doležal: Ključi od labirinta: o slovenski poeziji
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2017-07-01) Vollmaier Lubej, Janja
  • Publication
    Nastanak frazema putem semantičkih figura
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2017-07-01) Stevović, Irena
    V prispevku so s semantičnega vidika predstavljeni frazemi črnogorskega jezika; raziskani so procesi njihovega nastanka, in sicer procesi semantične narave. Izpostavljena so vprašanja, vezana na frazeme, katerih osnovna oblika je nefrazemska sintagma, ki je s pomočjo semantičnih figur prenesena v frazemsko. Z analizo frazemov v ožjem smislu skušamo osvetliti semantične značilnosti frazemov oz. vloge semantičnih frazemov v procesu nastanka teh jezikovnih enot. In this paper, we present idioms in the Montenegrin language from the aspect of semantics, and investigate the processes of their creation, i. e. processes of semantic nature. We highlight questions concerning those idioms whose basic form is a non-idiomatic syntagm that is transposed into the realm of the idiomatic by means of semantic figures. By analysing the idioms in a narrower sense, we try to contribute to the illumination of semantic characteristics of idioms, i. e. the role of semantic figures in the process of creation of these linguistic units.
  • Publication
    Manjšinske pisave: primer Furlanije Julijske krajine (Italija) ter Goriške in Obalno-kraške regije (Slovenija)
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2017-07-01) Toroš, Ana
    Prispevek1 obravnava literaturo narodnih in jezikovnih manjšin na slovensko-italijanskem mejnem območju (literatura Slovencev v Italiji, furlanska literatura ter literatura italijanske skupnosti v slovenski Istri), in sicer v deželi Furlaniji Julijski krajini (Italija) ter Goriški regiji in Obalno-kraški regiji (Slovenija), pri čemer ponuja razmislek o možnih nadgradnjah obstoječih metodoloških pristopov pri njeni obravnavi (preučevanje regionalne specifike literature, ki izhaja iz skupnega bivanjskega prostora avtorjev, ne glede na njihovo jezikovno in narodno pripadnost ter podobe tuje kulture v manjšinski literaturi) v smeri regionalno zasnovane primerjalne književnosti, katere izsledki bi lahko bili uporabni pri pouku književnosti na danem območju. The paper discusses the literature of national and linguistic minorities along the Slovene-Italian border area (Slovene and Friulian literature in Italy, Italian literature in Slovene Istria), comprised of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region in Italy, and the Goriška and Coastal-Karst regions in neighbouring Slovenia. The paper claims that a new methodological approach is needed to study these literatures, namely one that will upgrade previous research (studying the literature’s regional specifics which stem from the authors’ common living environment, regardless of their linguistic and national identity, and the depiction of foreign culture in minority literature) and move towards regional comparative literature. Results of such studies would be useful to bolster the teaching materials in literature classes in the area concerned.
  • Publication
    Grafični evfemizmi v računalniško posredovani komunikaciji
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2017-07-01) Michelizza, Mija; Vranjek Ošlak, Urška
    Prispevek predstavlja analizo grafičnih evfemizmov izbranih kletvic v računalniško posredovani komunikaciji (Twitter in komentarji pod novinarskimi prispevki) in skuša ugotoviti, kako jih uporabniki prikrijejo z namenom, da bi se izognili avtomatskemu zaznavanju in izbrisu svojih tvitov ali komentarjev. Najpogostejša tipa grafičnih evfemizmov sta nadomeščanje črke z nečrkovnim znakom in vstavitev nečrkovnega znaka v besedo. Zelo pogosto je tudi zaporedje ponavljajočih se znakov v takih besedah. Manj pogosti so nadomeščanje črkovnega elementa z vizualno podobnim znakom ter zamenjave črk z drugimi črkami in kombinacijami črk s podobno izgovarjavo. Analiza tudi pokaže, da so uporabniki zelo inovativni; sklopi, besedne igre in razne besedotvorne inovacije so zelo pogosti, čeprav je njihov prvotni namen igra z jezikom in ne prikrivanje tabuiziranih besed. The paper presents the analysis of graphic euphemisms of selected swear words in Slovenian computer mediated communication (on Twitter and in online news comments) and identifies different ways in which CMC users disguise taboo words in order to avoid automatic detection and deletion of their tweets or comments. Most common graphic euphemism types are the substitution of a letter with a non-letter symbol and the insertion of a non-letter symbol. Doubled letters are common as well. The substitution of letters with visually similar symbols, other letters or letter combinations with similar pronunciation are less frequent. The analysis also shows that CMC users are very innovative; juxtaposition, puns and various word formation procedures are very common, even though their primary role is language play rather than taboo word encryption.
  • Publication
    Interpretationen der Aufklärung in zeitgenössischen ungarischen historischen Romanen
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2017-07-01) Laczházi, Gyula
    Razprava z obravnavo sodobnih madžarskih zgodovinskih romanov, ki se dogajajo okoli leta 1800, išče odgovor na vprašanje, kako si je mogoče s perspektive sodobnosti razlagati dediščino razsvetljenstva. Pri analizi romanov Minervino skrivališče Lászla Mártona, Venerina pot Róberta Hásza in Nagačeni barbar Gergelya Péterfyja upošteva različne pojavne oblike kritičnega in afirmativnega odnosa do razsvetljenstva. Povečano zanimanje književnikov za čas okoli leta 1800, o katerem pričajo ti romani, je tesno povezano s sedanjimi debatami o razsvetljeni modernosti. Predstavitev tega obdobja v obravnavanih delih prispeva tudi k bogatitvi kulturnega spomina na preteklost. Analiza kaže, da se romani ne ločijo le tematsko, marveč tudi glede implicirane vloge bralca. The study analyses contemporary Hungarian historical novels that are set in the period around 1800 and aims to give a multi-faceted description of the ways they make the legacy of the Enlightenment legible from the perspective of the present time. The paper traces the signs of both critical and affirmative assessment of ideals and basic values of the Enlightenment in László Márton’s The Hiding-Place of Minerva, Róbert Hász’s The Proceeding of Venus, and Gergely Péterfy’s The Stuffed Barbarian. The increasing literary interest in the period around 1800 these novels are set in is deeply connected to recent debates concerning the values of Enlightenment modernity. At the same time, the representations of the period these works present can be regarded as contributions to cultural memory of the past. The analysis show that these novels differ not only thematically, but also regarding the implied role of the reader.
  • Publication
    Az illír mozgalom magyar kötődései – horvát szemmel I.
    (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2017-07-01) Lukács, István; Kálecz-Simon, Orsolya
    Prispevek daje zgodovinski pregled hrvaške znanstvene interpretacije madžarskih stikov in duhovno-političnih vzorcev v razvoju hrvaškega ilirskega gibanja. V prvem delu so predstavljena osnovna sodobna teoretična stališča o rekonstrukciji zgodovinskih narativ, v drugem delu pa hrvaški znanstveni dosežki v raziskovanju predilirskega obdobja. Poudarjen je pomen gibanja jakobincev in svobodnih zidarjev v nastajanju ilirizma. V predilirskem obdobju je s svojimi novimi pobudami igral pomembno vlogo zagrebški škof Maksimilijan Vrhovec. Njegovemu delovanju in predstavitvi njegovih madžarskih stikov je posvečeno posebno poglavje. Prav tako je v posebnem poglavju predstavljeno izjemno bogato življenjsko delo vodje gibanja Ljudevita Gaja in njegovi stiki z Madžari. Na oblikovanje slovanske in hrvaške zgodovinske zavesti Ljudevita Gaja je močno vplival takrat najbolj ugleden madžarski zgodovinar István Horvát. Horvátova romantična megalomanska predavanja o poreklu Madžarov so pritegnila Gajevo pozornost v času njegovega šolanja v Pešti. The article gives a historical overview of the Croatian scientific interpretation of Hungarian contacts and spiritual-political patterns in the development of the Croatian Illyrian movement. The first part of the study presents basic modern theoretical views on the reconstruction of historical narratives, while the second part highlights Croatian scientific achievements in the research of the pre-Illyrian period. The importance of the Jacobin movement and the Freemasons in the emergence of the Illyrian movement is emphasised. The bishop of Zagreb, Maksimilijan Vrhovec, played an important role in the pre-Illyrian period with his new initiatives. A special chapter of the article is dedicated to his work and the presentation of his Hungarian contacts. Another special chapter is dedicated to the extremely rich oeuvre of the leader of the movement, Ljudevit Gaj, and his contacts with the Hungarians. The formation of Slavic and Croatian historical consciousness of Ljudevit Gaj was strongly influenced by the most respected Hungarian historian of the era, István Horvát. Horvát’s romantic megalomaniac lectures on the origin of the Hungarians attracted Gaj’s attention during the time he spent studying in Pest.