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Publication Slavia Centralis. 1 (2008): 99-102.: Back Matter(2008-01-01)Publication PRODORNE IN PREROŠKE MISLI 16. STOLETJA: ob petstoletnici Trubarjevega rojstva(2008-01-01) Bošnjak, BlankaPublication Ogoljavanje identiteta stranca: Udio povijesti, između reformacije i tranzicije, u Jančarevu romanu Galijot(2008-01-01) Latković, Ivana; Kovač, ZvonkoIn a wide spectrum of created forms of historical genre, Jančar’s novel Galijot, with its theme of the character of a foreigner, sets this issue as a semantic and conceptual knot of his novel and thus represents an optimal point in his interpretative – analytical act.Publication Podoba ženske v Trubarjevih besedilih(2008-01-01) Blažić, Milena MilevaTrubar’s work was not fiction because his time was not a time of fiction-writing, but rather a time of non-fiction; nevertheless, his writings have literary qualities too. In his writings, especially the Catechisms, with the two explications from 1575, we often find the topics of children, women, family, and love. He also mentioned the notion of play and toys. These are proof of his new era conception of the child, woman, family and love. His literary heritage started in the 16th century and took its course simultaneously with the European period of Humanism, the Renaissance, and the European Reformation.Publication Diskurzivne prvine v izbranih Trubarjevih predgovorih in pismih(2008-01-01) Bošnjak, BlankaThe thesis of this paper is that, by means of analyzing Trubar’s selected prologues and correspondence, the following regularity is evident from the viewoint of discourse theory: in Trubar’s time discourse diversity tended to have some common starting points.Publication Primož Trubar in Bartolomé de Las Casas(2008-01-01) Pregelj, BarbaraPrimož Trubar and Bartolomé de Las Casas were contemporaries. It is possible to draw several parallels regarding the life and work of both authors (they both travelled extensively, they caused conflicts due to their activities, their opus is extensive, their genre being semi–literary, and their style is quite similar). But they also differ in many respects. These differences are mainly due to the sense of belonging to two great religious movements of the 16th century and their different attitude regarding the meaning of images.Publication Stereotipi o reformaciji: primer odpustkov(2008-01-01) Bjelčevič, AleksanderToday the Reformation is of great interest to us because of its lay achievements such as literary language. We know little about its religious and theological endeavours and even this knowledge is wrong in many cases, such as the belief that Protestants denied Mary’s virginity, the existence of saints, and that indulgences are the remission of sins. In this article I explain in detail the significance of indulgences.Publication Vprašanje vere in dvoma pri slovenskih protestantih (primer Primož Trubar)(2008-01-01) Doležal, Alenka JensterleThis article analyzes the phenomenon of faith and doubt in two works of the Slovene protestant author Primož Trubar, the greatest Slovenian author of the 16th century: Ena dolga predguvor (1557) and Cerkovna ordninga (1564). In Trubar’s interpretation, faith is inherited; he understands it as a gift from God. The meaning of faith is focused through interpretation of the Bible. Faith is the main religious and ethical phenomenon; it presents man’s relation not only to God but also to society, and his relationship to existential, social, and moral reality. In Trubar’s, view the world is dual: it is divided into society with the right faith, and the condemned one, the society of others who live a lie, who don’t have the right faith. Doubt is the space of sin; it is the space without God’s mercy.Publication Medkulturnost protestantske književnosti(2008-01-01) Kos, DejanDer Aufsatz thematisiert die Wirkungen der protestantischen Literatur auf die Transformation der ständisch definierten kulturellen Felder in der zweiten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts. Im Gegensatz zum allgemeinen Muster ist hier auf allen relevanten Ebenen (symbolische Ordnung, Identitätskonzepte, soziale Strukturen, Medien) eine Tendenz zur Überwindung der ständischen Hierarchie zu beobachten. Protestantische Literatur trägt somit durch die Mechanismen der Interkulturalität zur funktionalen Erweiterung des sozialen Raumes bei.Publication Reformacijska gibanja v okviru evropskega 16. stoletja(2008-01-01) Štuhec, MarkoThe European reformations emerged in the religious, social, cultural and political context of the long 16th century. This period is characterized by specific intertwining of pre-modern and medieval elements such as the predominance of the agrarian economy and the rural world, the dynastic foundation of politics, the society of orders and Christianity, and early modern, sometimes even modern elements such as print, economic and demographic growth, high conflict potential, the emergence of the early modern state, and European expansion. On the one hand, the complex of the new and the old structural elements influenced the shaping, spread, reception and affirmation or defeat of various types of the reformation; on the other hand, there were Reformation ideas and movements which the author defines as large scale socio–psychological interactions, with their own dynamism which contributed to the change of the existing structures.Publication Slavia Centralis. 1 (2008): 1-3.: Front Matter(2008-01-01)