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Publication Trieste, Bonomo and the Reformation(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-01) Grdina, IgorPeter Bonomo (1458–1546) je ena osrednjih osebnosti tržaške zgodovine. V času njegovega škofovanja je poprej močna probeneška »stranka« v mestu postala nepomembna, prevladala pa je procesarska usmeritev. Humanist Bonomo, ki jo je zagovarjal, je Trst videl kot samostojno enoto v okviru univerzalne monarhije Habsburžanov. Njegovo povezovanje mesta s širšim zaledjem je bilo vedno povezano z zagovarjanjem avtonomnega statusa. Kranjski začasno podrejeni Trst je okoli leta 1550 dosegel zaželeni status. Peter Bonomo (1458–1546) was a central figure of Trieste’s history. During his tenure as bishop, the town’s formerly strong pro-Venetian “party” was rendered insignificant and the pro-emperor stance gained importance. Its proponent, humanist Bonomo, viewed Trieste as an autonomous unit within the framework of the universal Habsburg Monarchy. Throughout, his efforts to link the town and its hinterlands were tied to advocating for its autonomous status. Such status was achieved around 1550.Publication Urach- South Slavic translation and publishing project during the Reformation(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-01) Jembrih, AlojzUrach predstavlja pomemben projekt v obdobju reformacije. Četudi ob koncu ni imel trajnejšega vpliva v južnoslovanskem prostoru, za katerega so se tiskale knjige v glagolici, cirilici in latinici, je v svoji pojavnosti zanimiv kot kulturni in prevajalsko- izdajateljski podvig. O njem je bilo doslej že veliko napisanega, a je ob jubilejni 500-letnici reformacije o njem ponovno spregovorjeno z vidika nekaterih novih podatkov. Urach was an important project in the period of Reformation. Although it eventually had no lasting impact in the South Slavic area, where books were printed in Glagolitic, Cyrillic and Latin alphabet, it represents an interesting feature regarding culture, translation science and publishing. Much has been written so far about it, but at the 500th anniversary of Reformation it is discussed once more in the light of some new data.Publication Reformation and Holy Mount Athos(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-01) Špadijer, IrenaSveta Gora Atonska je že več kot tisočletje najbolj posebna meniška skupnost v Evropi. Čeprav je bila s svojo lego izolirana od preostalega sveta, so se v njej čutila tudi oddaljena vrenja v evropski zgodovini in posledično tudi reformacija ni minila brez odmevov. V prispevku je predstavljeno eno izmed tovrstnih pričevanj – poslanica Gavrila Svetogorca ogrskemu kralju Ivanu Zapolji, verjetno iz leta 1533/1534. Gavrilo Svetogorac, pravoslavni menih, je večkrat izpričan v virih, in sicer kot prevajalec iz grščine v srbščino. V času, ko si je dopisoval z ogrskim vladarjem, je bil protos, tj. starešina Svete Gore. Na prošnjo Ivana Zapolje je Gavrilo podal svoje mnenje o Martinu Lutru ter svoje videnje posameznih dogodkov iz zgodovine Katoliške cerkve. S časom pisanja in s stališči, ki jih je predstavil v poslanici, se je svetogorski protos Gavrilo aktivno vključil v aktualne evropske dogodke. Mount Athos has been the most specific monastic community in Europe for over a thousand years. Though isolated from the rest of the world, the community has always reflected the turning points in European history, including Reformation. The paper looks at one testimony of this kind – the Epistle of the protos Gavrilo Svetogorac (Gavrilo from Mount Athos) to John Zapolya, Hungarian king, written probably in 1533/1534. Gavrilo from Mount Athos was an Eastern Orthodox Church monk who was mentioned many times and in different sources as a translator from Greek into Serbian. At the time of his correspondence with the Hungarian ruler he was a protos ‒ the head of Mount Athos. At the request of John Zapolya, Gavrilo offers his opinion about Martin Luther as well as his view on certain events in the history of the Catholic Churc Judging by the time when the epistle was written, and the attitudes expressed in it, the protos of Mount Athos was actively involved in the events in Europe in that particular period. Ključne besede: reformacija in Atos, Gavrilo SvetoPublication Reformation in Śląsk Cieszyński w context miejscowej sytuacji językowej(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-01) Raclavská, Jana; Bogoczová, Irena; Muryc, JiříČlanek Reformacija v Tešinski Šleziji v kontekstu lokalne jezikovne situacije predstavlja pokrajino s površino 2282 km2, ki je leta 1290 postala samostojna šlezijska kneževina na stiku najmanj dveh (slovanskih) etnij, kultur in jezikov. Prvotno (do konca prve svetovne vojne, natančneje do julija 1920) je predstavljala celoto s kulturnim, z administrativnim in društvenim centrom – mestom Cieszyn/Teschen (po tem sta bila tako mesto Cieszyn kot tudi celotno preostalo področje razdeljena na dva dela – češki in poljski). To prvotno slovansko ozemlje je bilo od 13. stoletja dalje, enako kot drugi deli Šlezije, predmet nemške kolonizacije, omeniti velja tudi dokaj močno židovsko komponento populacije. V članku so omenjeni zgodovinski trenutki, ki so povezani s specifičnim razvojem protestantske cerkve v Tešinski Šleziji in tudi s splošnim političnim ter družbenim razvojem te pokrajine. The present article Reformation in the Teschen Silesian Region in the Context of Local Language Situation describes a district stretching over an area of 2,282 km2 that originated in 1290 at the intersection of at least two Slavic ethnic groups, cultures and languages. Formerly, until the end of World War I or even until July 1920, this area used to form a whole with its cultural, administrative and social centre – the town of Cieszyn/Teschen. Afterwards, both the whole area and the town of Cieszyn were divided into two parts – Czech and Polish. This primarily Slavic territory was subject to German colonization from the 13th Century and a large number of Jewish inhabitants used to live there. The author notes some historical moments related to the specific development of the Protestant Church in the Teschen Silesia region as well as to the general political and social development of this region.Publication On the district české reformance(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-01) Pavera, LiborAvtor v članku razmišlja o češki reformaciji, o njenih začetkih in sprejemanju reformacijskega gibanja v češkem okolju (v zvezi s spremembo načinov razmišljanja, v povezavi s spremembami v šolstvu, umetnosti, kulturi ipd.). Češko zgodovino opazuje iz ptičje perspektive v smeri k sodobnosti in razkriva, kako izrazito sled je češki tip reformacije pustil v češki zgodovini. Češko reformacijo spremlja vse od dobe Karla IV. in prizadevanj tega češkega kralja in rimskega cesarja za drugačno cerkev pa do 20. stoletja, ko se je spor glede dveh smeri religioznega čutenja v čeških deželah prenesel v dialog med T. G. Masarykom in J. Pekářem ter njunimi učenci in nasledniki; t. i. spor o smislu češke zgodovine ostaja nikoli dokončana medgeneracijska diskusija in je lahko eden od odgovorov na določeno vrsto odnosa češkega državljana do vere, religije in verskega čutenja. Avtor ugotavlja, da reformacija niti v Evropi niti v deželi »češke krone« nikoli ni bila enotna. The author of the text addresses the Czech Reformation, he reflects on the beginnings of the reform movement in the Czech environment (referring to the change of mindset concerning changes in education, art, culture, etc.). From a bird’s eye view, the author looks at Czech history in its shift to modernity and reveals the significant trail the Czech type of Reformation left behind in the history of Czech lands. He is following Czech Reformation since the time of the Roman emperor, Karel IV (Charles IV) with his efforts for a different Church to the 20th Century, when the problem of Reformation manifested itself in a rather philosophical dispute – concerning the two-armed religious trend in the history of Czech citizens. T. G. Masaryk and J. Pekař participated in the dispute as well as their students and followers of two different ideas. It is the so-called dispute about the meaning of Czech history, which has not been resolved until today and there may be one of the answers to the question about the type of relationship of a Czech citizen to faith, the church (devotion) and the domineering religious feeling in general. The author concludes that in Europe as well as in the Czech Republic the Reformation was never a single stream.Publication Husitism in the Czech Republic the forerunner of the Lutheran Reformation(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-01) Orožen, MartinaPrispevek predstavlja Jana Husa, ki je pod vprašaj postavil avtoriteto Cerkve, bil posledično umaknjen s cerkvenega prizorišča in na koncilu v Konstanci tudi obsojen. Izpostavljeno je dejstvo, da mu je bila šele ob šeststoletnici smrti vrnjena iz razmer časa objektivno izrisana, stvarna podoba človeka, ki je bil predan Kristusovi resnici. Bil je teolog, zavzet za resnico in pravico, skrben učitelj rojakov, izrinjenih na družbeno obrobje, in človek, zvest lastnemu prepričanju. Mislil, delal in živel je odgovorno, umrl pa je v neomajno globoki veri, kot je skladno z vsebinami II. vatikanskega cerkvenega zbora. V prispevku so osvetljena tudi sporna politična vrednotenja Husove osebnosti ter širše versko-politične razmere na Češkem. The paper presents Jan Hus who questioned the authority of the Church and was thus removed from the Church scene as well as convicted at the council in Konstanz. It highlights the fact that as late as upon the 600th anniversary of his death the objective and realistic image of a man who was committed to the truth of Christ was reconstructed. He was a theologian standing up for the truth and promoting justice, a caring teacher of fellow countrymen, who were pushed to the margins of society, and a man true to his own beliefs. In his thoughts, work and life he acted responsibly and died in a deep unwavering faith according to the contents of the Second Vatican Council. The paper also highlights the controversial political evaluations of Hus’s personality as well as the broader religious-political situation in the Czech Republic.Publication Protestanism and Deliberation(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-01) Andrejč, GorazdDeliberacija oziroma kritična, odprta, vključujoča in argumentirana javna razprava o stvareh javnega interesa je ključen mehanizem demokratične politične ureditve. Po prepričanju zagovornikov deliberativne demokracije, kot je Jürgen Habermas, deliberacija prispeva k doseganju boljše in pravičnejše družbe. Prispevek analizira prepletenost razvoja te politične vrednote v evro-atlantskem svetu s protestantizmom in njegovim razvojem. Novejša raziskovanja zgodovine protestantizma in politične zgodovine demokracije kažejo kompleksno, a zgovorno sliko: kljub prisotnosti religijskih konzervativnih tendenc v protestantizmu se zdi, da je za družbe, v katerih je protestantizem postal prevladujoča religijska kultura, postala značilna precejšnja mera svobode raziskovanja, verovanja in debatiranja. To dejstvo je bilo delno rezultat naključnih zgodovinskih dogodkov, delno pa notranjih teoloških impulzov v protestantski misli. Deliberation as critical, open, inclusive and argument-based discussion about matters of public interest is a crucial mechanism of a healthy democracy. According to deliberative democracy defenders, like Jürgen Habermas, deliberation contributes to achieving a better and more just society. The present essay analyses the intertwinement between the development of this political value in the Euro-Atlantic world on the one hand, and Protestantism and its development on the other. Recent works in the history of Protestantism and the political history of democracy paint a complex, but powerful picture: despite the religious conservative tendencies in Protestantism, it seems that a notable measure of freedom of research, belief and debate could be found in the societies where Protestantism had become a dominant religious culture. While this development is partly a result of contingent historic events, it also had much to do with internal theological impulses within the Protestant thought.Publication Protestantism and ecumenism(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-01) Bugajski, JarosławProtestantizem je poimenovanje verskih gibanj, ki neposredno ali posredno izhajajo iz reformacije v 16. stoletju, ko je vodilno vlogo odigral Martin Luter. Zaradi zavračanja primata in avtoritete hierarhičnosti je bil Luter za reformiranje Cerkva prisiljen ustvariti nove, popolnoma drugačne strukture. Sodobno ekumensko gibanje se je začelo v okviru evangeličanskega krščanstva v 19. stoletju, šele v 20. stoletju pa lahko govorimo o pravem ekumenskem gibanju, obsegajočem več veroizpovedi. Prve korake v smer ekumenskega dialoga so naredili kristjani iz protestantskih Cerkva in skupnosti. Prav zato postaja naloga ekumenskega gibanja predvsem ustvarjanje skupnega krščanskega odgovora na družbene, gospodarske in kulturne spremembe, ki so izvor trpljenja in ponižanja mnogih ljudi, ne le kristjanov. Protestantism is a concept describing religious movements originating directly or indirectly from the 16th-Century Reformation led by Martin Luther. Rejecting the primacy and the hierarchy of authority forced Luther to formulate new, completely different structures for the Reformed Churches. The contemporary ecumenical movement had its beginnings in Evangelical Christianity in the 19th Century; however, only in the 20th Century we can speak of a truly ecumenical movement comprising multiple religious beliefs. The Christians from the Protestant communities and churches made first steps towards the ecumenical dialogue. The main task of the ecumenical movement is to work out a common, Christian response to the social, economic and cultural changes that are the source of pain and humiliation for many people, not only the Christians.