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Publication Slavia Centralis. 1. (2009): 192-195.: Back Matter(2009-01-01)Publication Publication Jože Tomažič: monografija.(2009-01-01) Bošnjak, BlankaPublication Življenje in delo Jožefa Borovnjaka(2009-01-01) Benko, AnjaPublication Mark o Jesenšek : The Slovene Language in the Alpine and Pannonian Language Aria. The history of the Slovene Language(2009-01-01) Ulčnik, NatalijaPublication Mark o Jesenšek : The Slovene Language in the Alpine and Pannonian Language Aria. The history of the Slovene Language(2009-01-01) Ulčnik, NatalijaPublication A cseh szak 50 éve (1955–2005) (50 years of the Czech Department 1955–2005).(2009-01-01) Janiec-Nyitrai, AgnieszkaPublication Medkulturna germanisti - ka – pr ogram na stičišču treh de žel – Poročilo o programu in njegovi pripravi(2009-01-01) Oštir, Alja LipavicPublication Podoba Primoža Trubarja v slovenski esejistiki(2009-01-01) Bergles, KatjaThis paper presents an overview of the selected essay corpus of Ivan Cankar, Taras Kermauner, Ferdo Kozak, Denis Poniž, Ivan Prijatelj, Alojz Rebula, and Jože Snoj. In their texts I attempted to find confirmation of the thesis of Ivan Prijatelj that the consciousness of our selves, and of the fact that Slovene culture and the Slovene national essence took shape in relatively close and positive connection with German culture, was decisively formed by Trubar and by the Slovene Reformation.Publication Egy Gogol-szöveghely Puskin-hivatkozásáról (A démon című költemény szerepe Az arcképben)(2009-01-01) Kroó, KatalinThis article examines the function of an allusion to Pushkin’s poem The Demon in Gogol’s The Portrait. It reveals that the Pushkin intertext shows special features in Gogol’s short story, since it is not primarily alongside thematic definitions or motif formulations that the intertext evolves, but much more significantly, at a metatextual level. This meaning layer is fairly complex, as it develops the sense of a kind of art definition in two major directions: taking into account the relationship of life to art, and the ever developing artistic language which never ceases to recreate itself. As a result of a survey of the semantic processes constructing the metapoetic reading of Gogol’s The Portrait, the conclusion is drawn that Pushkin’s The Demon and Gogol’s demon(s) semantically incorporate a similarly wide range of meaning, which can be regarded as the semantic code of the genesis of certain texts of Pushkin and Gogol.Publication Zgodnje obdobje slovenske ekspresionistične kratke proze in njene slogovne prvine(2009-01-01) Steger, Jožica ČehRecent studies have shown that the beginnings of Slovene expressionist short prose overlap with the beginning of the First World War, when alongside Cankar’s “podobe iz sanj (images from dreams)”, a younger generation of writers (France Bevk, Stanko Majcen, Ivan Dornik, Narte Velikonja, etc.) began publishing distorted psychological short stories in the Journal Dom in svet (Home and World) containing ethical judgments of war. The present contribution focuses on various stylistic procedures and especially on the model of ominous dreams associated with Cankar’s symbolic-allegorical and metaphoric “images”, and on Bevk’s war short story involving characteristic parabolic procedures, while its entry into the expressionist stylistic paradigm is evident in dissonance, grotesque images, abstract use of colours, and rhetorical speech.Publication Metafizika bede (Attila József, A. B. Šimić, Srečko Kosovel)(2009-01-01) Lukács, IstvánExpressionism was the most influential artistic movement among the Central-European Avantgarde. It developed at almost the same time as it did in Hungarian, Croatian, and Slovenian literature and was based on “hybrid-poetical construction” with German inspiration. This fact in itself might have formed a reason for analysis of the region’s literatures; however, this has not yet been completed.Publication Literarnozgodovinska in književnokritična refleksija madžarske književnosti po letu 1980 v slovenščini(2009-01-01) Štuhec, MiranThe article considers the problem of the familiarity of the neighbouringPublication Mezi folklorem a uměním, mezi zeměmi a existencí(2009-01-01) Pavera, LiborThe author deals with a writer who lived and wrote on a geographical borderline, as well as on linguistic and cultural borderlines, which is reflected in her work. It is placed between artistic literature and folklore. The author also considers several special motifs, e.g., the use of exemplum, time and space and the topic of place.Publication Proces adaptacji zapożyczeń językowych – czynniki socjo- i psycholingwistyczne wobec zróżnicowania anglicyzmów w wybranych językach słowiańskich(2009-01-01) Warchał, MateuszThe process of adapting language borrowings is realized in the following areas: didactic, glotto-didactic and translational, among other areas. A move towards establishing general language parameters concerning rules and the means and mechanisms of such adaptation is one of the practical aspects of the language analysis of borrowings. The objective of the paper is to present the processes of language borrowings, which take place on the following levels: phonological, morphological and semantic. The study has been done on the basis of selected English borrowings that are present in Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian.Publication Fonemy ś i ź w procesie różnicowania sztokawskiego obszaru językowego(2009-01-01) Brom, PrzemysławIn the area of the Štokavian dialect there have been processes aiming at diversifying particular language standards. These activities have gathered pace ever since the South-Slavic national community disintegrated. The Montenegrin area is characterized by the occurrence of developed forms of the phonological process of iotization – including the Jekavian. The products of that process – the phonemes ś and ź – existed in all Montenegrin dialects to a significant degree. Nowadays it is possible to classify them as important elements of the norm of the Montenegrin language because of their frequent occurrence in the contemporary language standard.Publication Examples of Constructions with the Simple Topological English Prepositions in and at Expressed in Selected Slavic Languages(2009-01-01) Chłopek, DorotaThe objects of study in this paper are selected English expressions with the simple topological prepositions in and at expressed in the following Slavic languages: Polish, Czech, Slovene, Serbian and Croatian. Simple locational, topological relations which the English language encodes through two separate prepositions in and at tend to be constructed by a single form in many Slavic languages. The concerns of the paper are selected English constructions expressing physical coincidence through in and functional coincidence through at, rendered into the five Slavic languages, where the scenes may not include the difference in dimensionality existing in the source expressions, which causes many translational problems.Publication Uspešnost sinhroniziranja nekaterih animiranih filmov z jezikoslovčevega vidika(2009-01-01) Ivič, Mira KrajncThe paper establishes significant differences between subtitles, which mostly observe the Slovene linguistic code and synchronization, which recreates the spoken word as it is used in everyday situations with characteristics typical of spoken discourse; thus, marginal and excessive sociolects and unfinished syntactic structures, discourse markers, changes in word order etc. are included. Synchronization is more expressive than subtitles because of its actualization of idioms, text and context allusions known to Slovenian recipients.Publication Sloglish or the Mixing/Switching of Slovene and English in Slovene Blogs(2009-01-01) Šabec, NadaThe article discusses the impact of the Internet on language use and, more specifically, analyzes the frequent mixing/switching of Slovene and English in Slovene blogs (so-called Sloglish). This new discourse type, combining elements of written and oral communication, is highly interactive in nature and allows for flexibility, variation and language innovation. On the other hand, some see it as too globalized and uniform as well as a threat to the language norm. Slovene blogs are analyzed linguistically (vocabulary, syntax, spelling, punctuation) and interpreted from the sociolinguistic and pragmatic perspectives (the issue of personal, cultural and social identities of bloggers; local vs. global).Publication Odraz medjezikovnih stikov v prekmurskem besedju(2009-01-01) Koletnik, MihaelaIn the article the author focuses on Prekmurian vocabulary related to pottery and agricultural activities. The terminology for pottery and agricultural activities discussed in the article is disappearing from the active vocabulary of speakers, owing to the changed way of life. Prekmurian expressions describing pottery and agricultural fields and other issues of peasant life still constitute a rich part of the original Slavic substratum. However, the old Slavic terminology is rapidly vanishing among the middle generation of speakers, while the younger generation is not familiar with it at all. Terms of foreign origin in dialectal pottery and agricultural terminology are mostly German and Romance borrowings.