Image of Research

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This collection contains the winning entries from the annual University of Kansas Libraries' Image of Research competition. The competition launched in 2015 to acknowledge and celebrate the role undergraduate students play in research and innovation. The competition challenges undergraduates to submit and share images and text that reflect their research or research process. A multidisciplinary panel of judges selects the winners. Selected entries are displayed in the Anschutz Library Learning Studio. The project was managed by Michelle Reed, who co-authored a chapter on Image of Research in Undergraduate Research and the Academic Librarian: Case Studies and Best Practices (ACRL, 2017).


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Image of Research 2016 -- Open for Collaboration Award
    (2016) Young, Jackson
    Author's statement: A picture of another undergraduate I spent the summer with. Alejandro Carlo was an 18 year old aspiring particle physicist from the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez and was one of the many students and researchers I met from around the world that summer. I attended an NSF-funded international research program where I and a handful of other undergraduate and graduate students from around the world worked in various locations within Switzerland's national laboratory system to help the team responsible for ‘photographing’ the collisions and consequential physics it creates. At KU I have spent the last 4+ years working with the CMS tracker detector team that takes 400 million pictures per second of the particles created in experimental recreations of the origins of our universe, the big-bang.
  • Publication
    Image of Research 2016 -- Story of Research Award
    (2016) Norris, Amber
    Author's statement: Tysabri, one of few treatment drugs approved to treat relapsing and remitting Multiple Sclerosis, has helped me keep the majority of my flare ups in remission for the past two years through monthly infusions. In the lab, I am working with my mentor to create an animal model, just like the one used to analyze Tysabri, to test potential treatments and cures for patients just like me.
  • Publication
    Image of Research 2016 -- Vision Award
    (2016) Tappan, Bryce
    Author's statement: This image was captured in the Barybin Lab of KU. Our research centers around azulene, a naturally occurring hydrocarbon that effuses a deep blue-azure color, for which it is named. In the Barybin Group, we specialize in the synthesis of organometallic compounds featuring azulene in search for materials that may have nanotechnological applications. This flask containing a solution of a derivative of azulene highlights the brilliant colors that we chemists may enjoy when working with azulene-based molecules. The myriad of colors of azulene and its synthetic variants make even the most mundane of reactions intriguing and pleasurable to the eye.
  • Publication
    Image of Research 2016 -- Research Is a Process Award
    (2016) Bloom, Mackenzie
    Author's statement: Image 1: “Paraffin embedded mice colon and intestinal tissue for my undergraduate research project on colon cancer!” Image 2: “Sectioning my tissue samples on the microtome, delightfully frustrating/tedious.” Image 3: “Slides prepped and ready for staining!” Image 4: “In situ RNA staining for LGR5 in wild type mouse colon tissue section!”
  • Publication
    Image of Research 2016 -- Grand Prize
    (2016) Petz, Austin
    Author's statement: Algae is grown to be converted into biocrude oil via hydrothermal liquefaction (pressure cooking). Oil composition is researched with respect to changing algae compositions.
  • Publication
    Image of Research 2015 -- Connection Award
    (2015) Slater, Shelby
    Author's statement: Just another view of the study on indoor tanning. Selection of tanning lotions, bronzers, tanning goggles, heat and other tanning-related stimuli. Monitor is equipped with standard LED lights in order to mimic the glow emitted from UV bulbs.
  • Publication
    Image of Research 2015 -- Social Impact Award
    (2015) Bobo, Caleb
    Author's statement: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" ~Nelson Mandela Earlier this year I had the pleasure of presenting my research at the Kansas State Capital to administers and legislators with the goal of ensuring the leaders in our state are striving towards equity for all students in higher education, regardless of their race. The work wasn't easy, but the impact/opportunity made it worth every second.
  • Publication
    Image of Research 2015 -- Visual Impact Award
    (2015) Suzuki, Keiko
    Author's statement: Our lab incorporates a fundamental approach in pro-life regenerative medicine using stem cells. These stem cells which maintain homeostasis are abundantly available in almost every part of our living system. Here we are showing the adherence of Stem Cells seeded on Gelatin-Genipin cross-linked Hydrogel through actin network secreted by the growing cells. Fluorescent marker-phalloidin stains this actin filament and cells are counter stained by Dapi which stains the nucleus blue.
  • Publication
    Image of Research 2015 -- Originality Award
    (2015) McGuire, Austen
    Author's statement: Keep your eyes peeled for my research about how we perceive approaching objects at the undergraduate research symposium!
  • Publication
    Image of Research 2015 -- Grand Prize
    (2015) Marceaux, Kaytlynn
    Author's statement: Mendel's research inspired my thoughts on the causes and consequences in seed morphology. Come to the undergraduate symposium next Saturday and I'll discuss how wrinkled and round seed may have consequences in growth and progeny.