Slavia Centralis 2009/2

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    Македонија и нејзините соседи
    (2009-02-01) Стефанија, Драги; Миодонска, Лилијана
    Many aspirations to conquer Macedonia and to annihilate it have continued into the present. The Greeks have claimed a legal right to the name Macedonia, the Macedonian language and history ever since Alexander the Great. The Serbs do not acknowledge the Macedonian Orthodox Church, as if Macedonia were a pagan country. The Bulgarians claim that the Macedonian language is a Bulgarian dialect, and the Albanians demand one third of Macedonia (the Western part), which is inhabited by an Albanian minority.
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    Literatura – kultura – (kon)tekst
    (2009-02-01) Rudaš, Jutka
    This paper intends to show all the (con)texts in which Esterházy articulates new models of life and literature, and the aesthetic changes which rock the traditional concept of justice. It further shows the importance of intertextuality, according to which each “text is an intertext”, and each text is a patchwork of quotations and the previous or environment-shaping culture. I also deal with the unique dance of these figures in the “Celestial Harmonies”, as it is this kind of creativity and textuality that makes Esterházy’s texts work.
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    Deveta dežela, podobi pojugoslovanske sedanjosti in antiutopična podoba (evropske?) prihodnosti
    (2009-02-01) Pavičić, Mladen
    The central theme of this article is the post-Yugoslavic multilinguism of the block settlement Nove Fužine in Ljubljana, as it is presented in the novels Fužinski bluz by Andrej Skubic and Čefurji raus! by Goran Vojnović. The introduction includes some interesting thoughts about Europe, Slovene language and Slavic democratic self-government from the utopian The Ninth Land by Josip Stritar, while the conclusion presents a few thoughts on the modern antiutopian Change Me by Andrej Blatnik, where the dark vision of the future does not concern the Slovene language.
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    Ján Kollár avagy a szláv nemzet jó tulajdonságai?
    (2009-02-01) Róbert, Kiss Szemán
    This study calls attention to Kollár’s two-part sermon which exerted a large influence on the national consciousness of the modern Slav nations. Kollár discusses five good qualities of the Slav nation: its godliness, diligence, cheerfulness, love of mother tongue, and forbearance towards other nations. Among the possible prototypes of this sermon are a paper by János Horváth, entitled “On the Religious and Moral Condition of the Hungarians” in the 1817 volume of Tudományos Gyűjtemény. The manner of adoption can be seen as creative artistic activity, in the course of which Kollár significantly reinterpreted the qualities in question and applied them to the Slav nation.
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    Paralely mezi slovinským a českým dramatem 60. let
    (2009-02-01) Jensterle-Doležal, Alenka
    This article concentrates on the parallels between Slovene and Czech poetic drama in the nineteen sixties. I recognise similarities between the playwrights Dane Zajc, Josef Topol, and Gregor Strniša. Comparative analysis of Zajc’s and Topol’s texts exposes similar intimate themes, such as motives of love and the phenomena of time. The most vivid comparison is between Topol’s play Slavík v večeří and Strniša’s play Ljudožerci. In both plays, the dramatic plot is constructed as grotesque and absurd play. The dramatic perspective shows the experience of the absurd in the world.
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    Igre z mimezisom v poljski in slovenski prozi devetdesetih let
    (2009-02-01) Tokarz, Bożena
    Games with mimesis, present among the numerous trends and individual poetics in Polish and Slovene prose of the ’90s, define the model of receiving compositions and the model of their structure. They conduce to crossing borders between genres, cultures, borders in imagination, through making a field of a dialogue in the structure of a text. That field delivers other reading experiences than a closed story.
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    Kreacja mniejszości narodowościowych i problem identyfikacji jednostki – Grenki med Andreja Skubica
    (2009-02-01) Wojtoń, Regina
    The main subject of this paper is the presentation of national minorities in Andrej Skubic’s novel Grenki med/Bitter Honey, and an attempt to identify the novel’s true hero. In times of globalization, fiction deals with these problems as well. In order to achieve their aims, authors imagine a world, placing in it main characters which can be analyzed from various perspectives. Having problems with their own identity, the characters in the novel are unable to determine their social and national affiliations.
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    Trpljenje nedolžnih in iskanje besede (od)rešitve v dramatiki Stanka Majcna
    (2009-02-01) Gržan, Karel
    This article analyses the presentation of human suffering by Slovene dramatist Stanko Majcen, who felt personally called to actively overcome the pain of the helpless. Ironically, as an individual, he felt imprisoned by his position in society; which prevented him from personal engagement with the oppressed people with whom he identified, so long as he remained in the position of the protected. His weapon was words alone, which he used to try to awaken a “revolution”. The gap between words and actions, however, made him feel as though he were stretched, and ultimately he felt that his life was unfulfilled.
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    Mirror image properties in human languages
    (2009-02-01) Kida, Ireneusz
    In this paper I discuss the phenomenon of mirror image properties
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    Miejsce standardu burgenlandzkochorwackiego wśród języków indoeuropejskich
    (2009-02-01) Ślęzak, Artur
    The language of Burgenland Croats was based on Croatian dialects from the 15 to 17th centuries. Native speakers of the standard use three dialects of the Croatian language, mainly Shtokavian and Chakavian, and Kajkavian, in which there are preserved many archaisms and neologisms. The standard of Burgenland Croats was included in the grammar published in Eisenstadt (Gradišćanskohrvatska gramatika, 2003).
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    Wpływ języka włoskiego na obecny kształt języka molizańskich Chorwatów
    (2009-02-01) Feruga, Krzysztof
    Neighbouring nations and their languages cannot avoid mutual contacts, including communication contacts, which lead to different interferences in their own and the other language systems. There are huge numbers of lexical language borrowings in the common speech of Molise Croats that depend on the invention of the interlocutors. They try to adjust their lexis to both languages when they communicate with elder people, whereas they use Italian when they talk to their peers or to young people. This paper shows how Molise Croats cope with new vocabulary connected with development of technology, culture and civilization.
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    Językowy świat małych ojczyzn czyli słowiańskie pogranicza językowe
    (2009-02-01) Tokarz, Emil
    The world of small homelands, lands which are lost in the sea of different and sometimes unfriendly civilizations and cultures, has resolutely defended its identity, its native language and religion. Living on the language borderlines, the Slavic people have put effort into organizing themselves by trying to sustain their identity through incorporating the new values into the native traditions. The Slavic tradition has been the source of inspiration to new challenges in the contemporary world for many of them.
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    Poučevanje slovenskega jezika za Poljake v kognitivnem pristopu (izbrani vidiki)
    (2009-02-01) Będkowska-Kopczyk, Agnieszka
    Cognitive linguistics is based on the assumption that language reflects human psychological processes. Meaning, as a subject of constant negotiation among people, is not just the conceptual content of the expression, it is the way in which the content is construed in a certain speaking context. It is influenced by both the structure of a given language and the vision of the world of its users. This view influences the cognitive linguistic approach to foreign language acquisition. This paper presents a cognitive approach to language and foreign language teaching; the theoretical section is followed by examples of Slovene expressions which are a conceptual challenge for Polish students of that language.
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    Germanizmi v frazemih Slovarja slovenskega knjižnega jezika od M do P
    (2009-02-01) Breznik, Irena Stramljič
    This article examines the Germanisms included in the Dictionary of Slovene Literary Language (SSKJ) from M to P which are also idiom ingredients. With the support of the reference corpus Fidaplus, presence in contemporary use is stated, and, consequently, answers to the questions how many and what kind of idioms would be reasonable to take into account in the new issue of the Dictionary of Slovene are suggested.
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    Raba tujk v mariborskih govorjenih medijih
    (2009-02-01) Lopert, Alenka Valh
    This article examines the foreign words used by professional announcers in their prepared and non-prepared (spontaneous) speech on two radio stations in Maribor, the national broadcaster (Radio Maribor) and the commercial channel (Radio CITY). The analysis includes 34 speakers; the words were defined according to their etymology and their possible Slovene equivalents.
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    Koroško mežiško narečje v luči novih glasoslovnih raziskav
    (2009-02-01) Zorko, Zinka
    This paper presents new phonological studies of the Carinthian Mežica dialect. In Javorje, Črna and in Mežica, long diphthongs changed into monophthongs; Kotlje and Pameče retained the typically Charinthian diphthongal-monophthongal system, Ojstrica retained the Podjuna dialect, and the Mislinja local dialect has the Styrian vowel system typical of southern Pohorje.
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    Dejavnosti in možnosti izoblikovanja jezika na madžarsko govorečem prostoru in proces Palást
    (2009-02-01) Kolláth, Anna
    This essay intends to show the results, dilemmas, work, aspects and theoretical motivation behind research group activities underlying language management theory, with the language problem as the focal point (and not language incorrectness). The objective is to uncover, analyse, and solve the most inclusive range of linguistic problems in a language speaking community. The linguistic problem is everything perceived by average speakers in communication, and not problems considered to be such by experts working at certain elite social institutions. It does away with practices of recent language cultivation to an extent that it considers language variations to be a natural linguistic process and by no means a deterioration of the language. It emphasises that language shaping in the language use of minorities inside the Hungarian language community is of even greater importance than in the mother country.
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    Slovenski jezik in Evropska zveza
    (2009-02-01) Jesenšek, Marko
    This article presents the position of the Slovene language in the European Union in the context of the European Year of Languages and the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue. Firstly, the experience of the Slovene language in the former common state is presented. Attention is paid to some fictional similarities regarding the position of the Slovene language in the SFRJ and the EU, then the linguistic circumstances and the position of the Slovene language, decisively determined by the multilingualism of the EU in the new community, are analyzed; the advantages and difficulties connected with European multilingualism are presented; and the Slovene linguistic policy as drafted in the Law on Public Usage of Slovene Language and in the Resolution on National Program for Linguistic Policy 2007–2011 is introduced. The article concludes with thoughts on some comments in the Resolution about the position of Slovene studies in domestic and foreign Universities.