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Recent Submissions
Publication 2001-2006 MCR ProposalNational Network of Library of MedicineProposal submitted for the 2001-2006 contract period.Publication 2016-2021 Cooperative Agreement Proposal(2016-06-15) National Network of Libraries of Medicine MidContinental RegionProposal submitted by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine- MidContinental Region located at the University of Utah for the 2016-2021 Cooperative Agreement.Publication 2011-2016 NN/LM Business Proposal - Region 4(2011-05-01) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionBusiness proposal submitted by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental Region located at the University of Utah for the 2011-1016 contract period. Proposal includes summary of proposed estimated cost and labor hours, budget justification, qualifications of offeror, subcontractors, etc. Includes original proposal and revised budget documents.Publication 2011-2016 NN/LM Technical Proposal - Region 4(2011-05-01) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionTechnical proposal submitted by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental Region located at the University of Utah. Proposal outlines the technology infrastructure that will be used by Region 4 of the NN/LM covering the 2011-2016 contract period.Publication 2006-2011 NN/LM - MidContinental Region: Utah OERC Technical Proposal(2006-04-11) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionTechnical proposal from the University of Utah, NN/LM - MidContinental Region (Region 4) for the Outreach Evaluation Resource Center.Publication 2006-2011 NN/LM - MidContinental Region: Utah OERC Business Proposal(2006-04-11) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionBusiness proposal from the University of Utah, NN/LM - MidContinental Region (Region 4) for the Outreach Evaluation Resource Center.Publication 2006-2011 NN/LM MidContinental Region Technical Proposal - Final Revisions(2006-05-01) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionTechnical proposal submitted by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental Region located at the University of Utah. Proposal outlines the technology infrastructure that will be used by Region 4 of the NN/LM.Publication 2006-2011 NN/LM MidContinental Region Business Proposal - Final Revision(2006-04-20) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionBusiness proposal submitted by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental Region located at the University of Utah. Proposal includes summary of proposed estimated cost and labor hours, budget justification, qualifications of offeror, subcontractors, etc.Publication 2006-2011 NN/LM MidContinental Region Main Contract - University of Utah(2006-05-01) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionThe award/contract issued by the National Library of Medicine to the University of Utah under the contract number N01-LM-6-3504.Publication 2001-2006 Statement of Work(2009-05-21)Publication 2006-2011 NN/LM MidContinental Region Business Proposal(2009-02-02)The business proposal to the NN/LM including the budget and justification.Publication 2006-2011 NN/LM MidContinental Region - Technical Proposal(2009-02-02)This proposal outlines the technology infrastructure that will be used by Region 4 of the NN/LM.