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Publication Ocena / Review: Rada Lečič: Osnove slovenskega jezika : slovnični priročnik. 1. natis, Cerkno, Založba Gaya, 2009, 124 str.(ZRC SAZU and Hall Center for the Humanities, 2011-01-01) Perdih, AndrejPublication Eskimi IN in NAD Inuiti(ZRC SAZU and Hall Center for the Humanities, 2011-01-01) Gjurin, VelemirThe essay considers the advisability of various names for the Aleut peoples and languages from the perspective of the Slovene language.Publication On Count/Mass Distinction in Slovene(ZRC SAZU and Hall Center for the Humanities, 2011-01-01) Mitrović, MorenoSLV: Clanek predstavlja modelno-teoretsko raziskavo števnosti v slovenšcini. Obravnava in razlaga slovenske števne ter snovne samostalnike, obenem pa kaže na nepravilnost Chierchove (2004) teoretske napovedi, po kateri noben jezik snovnosti ne oznacuje oblikoslovno. V clanku so predlagane pomenoslovne in skladenjske analize števnosti slovenskega samostalnika. ENG: This paper is a model-theoretic investigation into the count/mass distinction in Slovene. It overviews and accounts for Slovene nouns, while also invalidating Chierchia’s (2004) theoretical prediction that no language marks mass morphologically. I provide analyses of countability in the nominal domain of Slovene on semantic and morphosyntactic levels.Publication High and Low Applicatives in Slovenian and Cross-linguistically(ZRC SAZU and Hall Center for the Humanities, 2011-01-01) Marvin, TatjanaSLV: Delo obravnava pomen in skladenjsko zgradbo dvopredmetnih povedi, kjer predmet v dajalniku nosi udežensko vlogo prejemnik. Predstavljeni so podatki iz slovenšcine in nekaterih drugih južnoslovankih jezikov, ki klicejo po spremembi trenutno uveljavljene analize prejemniških predmetov v tvorbeni slovnici, Pylkkänen (2000, 2002, 2008). ENG: This paper deals with double object constructions where the dative object is the applied argument, showing how applicative construction data in Slovenian and in other South Slavic languages cannot be incorporated into the most influential proposal on applicative constructions in the recent generative literature, Pylkkänen (2000, 2002, 2008). A refinement of Pylkkänen’s analysis is thus proposed to deal with the Slavic data.Publication Characteristics of the Technical Terminology in Vodnik’s German-Slovene Dictionary (1804–1806)(ZRC SAZU and Hall Center for the Humanities, 2011-01-01) Ravnikar, Andreja LeganSLV: Vodnikov rokopisni nemško-slovenski slovar Slowenisches Wörterbuch – Slovensek Besednjak (1804–1806) vsebuje tudi strokovno izrazje. V prispevku bom predstavila tipološke lastnosti slovenskega »posvetnega« strokovnega izrazja v zacetnem obdobju nacrtnega razvoja (na prelomu iz 18. v 19. stoletje), ko je slovenjenje terminologije potekalo še pod precejšnjim vplivom izhodišcnega nemškega jezika. ENG: Vodnik’s manuscript of the German-Slovene Dictionary, Slowenisches Wörterbuch—Slovensek Besednjak (1804–1806), includes technical terminology. This article will present the main typological characteristics of the Slovene secular technical terminology which developed at the turn of the 19th century, the period when Slovene technical terminology was just being formed and when the process of translating terminology into Slovene was still under considerable German influence, the language from which the terminology was translated.Publication Frazeološko-leksikografski vidiki prevajanja angleških frazemov v slovenščino(ZRC SAZU and Hall Center for the Humanities, 2011-01-01) Vrbinc, Alenka; Vrbinc, MarjetaSLV: Clanek govori o problemih pri prevajanju frazemov in o vkljucevanju frazemov v dvojezicne slovarje. Temelji na podatkovni bazi, ki jo sestavlja okoli 250 frazemov, katerih sestavni del je samostalnik, ki oznacuje živilo ali pijaco. Angleške frazeme smo prevedli v slovenšcino, prevodne ustreznice v slovenšcini pa smo nato analizirali, da bi ugotovili, ali se pojavljajo podobnosti oz. razlike med anglešcino in slovenšcino, obenem pa smo preucevali tudi možne probleme, s katerimi se soocamo pri prevajanju frazemov. S pomocjo analize smo dolocili vec skupin frazemov glede na njihov prevod, vse od frazemov, ki jih prevajamo idiomatsko, pa do frazemov, ki predstavljajo eno izmed najvecjih prevajalskih pasti—lažne prijatelje. V clanku omenjamo tudi problem vkljucevanja frazemov v slovar, kajti vkljuceni so lahko v frazeološko gnezdo ali pa kot iztocnica. Na koncu sledi nekaj predlogov glede obravnave frazemov v dvojezicnem slovarju, posebno pozornost pa namenjamo problematiki monosemije in polisemije in problematiki uporabnosti slovarskega prevoda frazema v sobesedilu. ENG: The article focuses on the problem of translating phraseological units and their inclusion in bilingual dictionaries. Its findings are based on a database comprising approximately 250 phraseological units, all of them containing food and drink items. The English phraseological units were translated into Slovene and the Slovene translation equivalents were then analysed to establish similarities and differences between English and Slovene and to study possible problems involved in the translation of phraseological units. According to the analysis, several groups of phraseological units can be established as regards their translation(s), ranging from idiomatic translation equivalents on the one hand to false friends on the other. The problem of where to include a phraseological unit in a dictionary is also mentioned, as it may be listed in a special section of the dictionary article or as a headword. At the end, some suggestions are made as to the treatment of phraseological units in a bilingual dictionary where special attention is paid to the problem of monosemy vs. polysemy and the problem of translation equivalent in isolation vs. the translation of a phraseological unit in context.Publication Pomenske značilnosti antropomorfnega povedkovnika(ZRC SAZU and Hall Center for the Humanities, 2011-01-01) Snoj, JericaSLV: Antropomorfni povedkovnik s tipsko besedilno uresnicitvijo On je zajec je dolocen kot tip metaforicne pomenske izpeljave, pri kateri je povedkovniški pomen metaforicno izpeljan iz samostalniškega pomena. Vkljucuje obsežno podrocje metaforicnega izražanja v mnogih jezikih in je reprezentativen pri opisovanju leksikalne metafore. V sestavku so opisane nekatere pomenske znacilnosti antropomorfnega povedkovnika v slovenskem jeziku, kot se potrjujejo v sistematicni analizi rabe, izkazane v Slovarju slovenskega knjižnega jezika, in v sodobnejšem korpusnem gradivu. ENG: The anthropomorphic predicative, typically realized in a structure like On je zajec ‘He is a coward (lit. He is a rabbit)’, is a type of metaphorical derivation whereby the predicative meaning is derived from the meaning of the noun. The type includes a broad area of metaphorical expression in numerous languages and is emblematic of lexical metaphor. The paper describes some of the semantic features of the anthropomorphic predicative in Slovene as evidenced by systematic usage both in the Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika as well as contemporary corpus material.Publication Madžarski kalk hištvo in sorodno v stari knjižni prekmurščini(ZRC SAZU and Hall Center for the Humanities, 2011-01-01) Dudás, ElődSLV: V prispevku so predstavljeni nekateri madžarski kalki v stari knjižni prekmuršcini. Pred konkretnimi primeri je kratek povzetek o definiciji kalkov in zgodovini njihovih raziskovanj. Na kratko so predstavljene zgodovinske okolišcine, ki so dolocale madžarsko-prekmurske stike. Omenjeni so najpomembnejši raziskovalci madžarsko-slovenskih jezikovnih stikov. Madžarski kalki so obdelani v posameznih geslih z dodanimi podatki iz slovarjev, etimološkimi razlagami in citati iz del stare prekmurske književnosti. ENG: The article presents some Hungarian calques in the Prekmurje Slovene literary language. After a short summary of the definition of calques and the history of their study, some concrete examples are given. The historical circumstances surrounding the contact of Hungarian and Prekmurje Slovene are also presented, as well as mention of the most important researchers of Hungarian-Slovene contact. Hungarian calques are treated in individual entries with additional data from dictionaries, etymological explanations, and citations from use in literature.Publication Relativna kronologija naglasnih pojavov govora Žirovske kotline poljanskega narečja(ZRC SAZU and Hall Center for the Humanities, 2011-01-01) Beguš, GašperSLV: Govor Žirovske kotline poljanskega narečja izkazuje v svojem naglasnem sistemu mnoge posebnosti s strukturnega in razvojnega vidika. Na podlagi opisa sistema v Stanonik (1977) izluščim naglasne spremembe od splošnoslovenskega stanja do danes, poleg tega pa navajam tudi nekatere nove ugotovitve glede sistema samega, ki pojave natančneje pojasnjujejo. Vse to služi kot pomoč, da v članku določim relativno kronologijo naglasnih pojavov, hkrati pa tudi sopostavim dobljeni model z nekaterimi drugimi izvajanji. Nazadnje časovno zaporedje naglasnih pojavov umestim še v širši kontekst razvoja slovenskega jezika. ENG: The local dialect of the Žiri Basin within the Poljane dialect evinces several peculiarities in its structure and development. On the basis of the system described in Stanonik (1977) the author elucidates the system’s word-prosodic changes from the Common Slovene state to the present, as well as presents some new discoveries concerning the system itself, which help to explain the phenomena more precisely. The elaboration mentioned helps to establish a relative chronology of word-prosodic phenomena, the resulting model of which is compared and contrasted with other explanations. Finally, the relative chronology of prosody changes is placed in the larger context of the development of the Slovene language.Publication Narečje Ziljske doline in splošnoslovenski pomik cirkumfleksa(ZRC SAZU and Hall Center for the Humanities, 2011-01-01) Pronk, TijmenSLV: Narečje Ziljske doline je eno najbolj ogroženih slovenskih narečij. Zaradi obrobnega položaja ohranja številne arhaizme. Članek se osredotoča na ziljsko gradivo, ki ohranja podatke o fonetičnih razvojih, na katerih temelji splošnoslovenski pomik praslovanskega cirkumfleksa. ENG: The Gailtal dialect is one of the most endangered dialects of the Slovene language. Because of its peripheral position, it preserves a number of archaisms. In this paper it is argued that the dialect preserves information about the phonetic developments underlying the common Slovene advancement of the Proto-Slavic falling tone.Publication Ocena / Review of Reindl, Donald F. 2008. Language Contact: German and Slovenian.(ZRC SAZU and Hall Center for the Humanities, 2011-01-01) Woods, PeterPublication Ocena / Review: Pronk, Tijmen. The Slovene Dialect of Egg and Potschach in the Gailtal, Austria. (Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics, vol. 36).(ZRC SAZU and Hall Center for the Humanities, 2011-01-01) Langston, KeithPublication Poslovilna beseda(ZRC SAZU and Hall Center for the Humanities, 2011-01-01) Snoj, Marko; Greenberg, Marc L.The essay describes the founding and first period of operation of the journal Slovenski jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies as the founding editors hand the journal to a new editorial team.