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Publication Publication Jezik in neoliberalizem(2017-10-01) Zorčič, SabinaThe article attempts to shed light on the connection between language and neoliberal ideology. An interdisciplinary approach requires the use of insight from different social, humanistic and scientific fields. Neoliberalism is presented primarily from the standpoint of political and economic history, sociology and linguistics. Language is addressed through critical discourse analysis, specifically in connection with reality framing and changes of words on the semantic plane. The aim of the analysis is to underline the importance of an awareness of language and the critical interpretation of words that language users often reflexively include in their communications. Language is a means for the emergence and preservation of ideologies. An awareness of this feature of language makes it possible to identify ideologies (as such) and to exercise caution regarding their ability to alter reality. The latter, with regard to language in general, is of course also one of the key tasks of linguistics.Publication Proto-Slavic *pepelъ/*popelъ: Original Form and Etymology(2017-10-01) Saenko, MihailThe article examines geographical and historical relationships between descendants of the forms *popelъ and *pepelъ 'ashes' in the Slavic world and analyses four basic etymologies of this word (reduplicated derivative of *pel(H)- 'to burn', prefixed derivative of *pel(H)- 'to burn', derivative of *pelH- 'fine dust' and Nostratic etymology).Publication K problematiki vpliva stičnega jezika – nemščine na semantične spremembe in stilno vrednost najstarejše slovenske knjižne leksike (16. stoletje)(2017-10-01) Legan Ravnikar, AndrejaThe paper addresses the changes in meaning of loanwords compared to the meaning of German lexemes during the process of their integration into the Slovenian language system and the 16th century literary language. Another change occurred in the semantic structure of native literary lexemes, which referred to new objects, phenomena and concepts under the influence of translations of the works of (mostly) German religious reformers. The third problem is the influence of the donor language on the stylistic markedness of loanwords and native lexemes in the 16th century literary Slovene. It was confirmed that the semantic development towards ambiguity in native lexemes as well as in loanwords became one of the most important reasons for a relatively modest thesaurus of the16th century Slovenian literary lexica (just above 22.000 words). The semantic development of the 16th century literary lexemes show the expressive abilities of Slovene Protestant writers and the expressive potential of the Slovene language.Publication Wüster’s View of Terminology(2017-10-01) Trojar, MitjaThe article presents some aspects of the General Theory of Terminology, whose author, Eugen Wüster (1898–1977), is considered the father of modern terminology. The article first presents his life and work and then also the principal aspects of Wüster’s approach to terminology through citations from his articles and monographs: his utilitarian view of special languages, the emphasis laid on the onomasiological approach to terminology, the notion of concept as the pivotal notion of Wüster’s theory, his attitude towards the polysemy, homonymy and synonymy as well as some other important aspects that shaped his view of terminology.Publication Semantic and syntactic features of the verbs bati se ʽto fearʼ and upati (si/se) ʽto hope; to dareʼ in the Slovenian sentence(2017-10-01) Uhlik, Mladen; Žele, AndrejaВ статье делается попытка проанализировать синтаксические и семантические свойства глаголов bati se ‘бояться’, upati ‘надеяться’ и upati se/si ‘отваживаться’ с точки зрения их возможных дополнений, прежде всего выраженных придаточными изъяснительными и инфинитивами. Предполагается выявить также семантические и синтаксические усло- вия, определяемые сочетаемостью и модальностью данных глаголов. Попытаемся дать ответ на вопрос, как на выбор наклонения в предложении с упомянутыми глаголами влияет взаимоотношения предиката в главном предложении и содержания дополнения.Publication Petra Mišmaš. Slovenian questions with short wh-movement and the low periphery(2017-10-01) Mišmaš, PetraThe paper examines multiple wh-questions with short wh-movement in Slovenian. Although these questions differ from questions with multiple wh-fronting, the behavior of focus, topic, and wh-phrases is comparable in both types of questions. It is proposed, assuming the Cartographic approach, that short moved wh-phrases undergo movement to the Wh-projections in the low (clause internal) periphery of the vP phase. Topic and Focus projections are also located in this periphery.Publication Toporišičev prispevek k slovenskemu narečjeslovju(2017-10-01) Smole, VeraThis paper provides a critical overview of Jože Toporišič’s academic discussions of dialectology. In particular, it orients his dialect work within contemporary Slovenian dialectology and evaluates his overall contribution to the discipline.