Mid-American Review of Sociology, Volume 16, Number 2 (SPRING, 1992)

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  • Publication
    Onthe Critiqueof Sociology
    (Department of Sociology, University of Kansas, 1992-04-01) Marcuse, Herbert
  • Publication
    An End to "Childhood Amnesia": The Utopian Idealof Childhoodin Critical Theory
    (Department of Sociology, University of Kansas, 1992-04-01) Neustadter, Roger
    The examination focuses on how critical theory has viewed childhood and employed the image and meaning of childhood in ideological elaboration. It explores how critical theorists such as Adorno, Benjamin, Horkheimer, Bloch, and Marcuse contrasted the riches of childhood experience with the poverty of mature adult perception and with the notion of societal progress. By uniting lost experiential dimensions of childhood and restoring childhood memory, critical theoryanticipates arelease ofemancipaory reflection and transformed social praxis.
  • Publication
    Mid-American Review of Sociology, Volume 16, Number 2 (SPRING, 1992): Front Matter
    (Department of Sociology, University of Kansas, 1992-04-01)
  • Publication
    The Frankfurt School and Critical Sociology and Critical Philosophy
    (Department of Sociology, University of Kansas, 1992-04-01) Manheim, Ernest
    Dr. Manheim delivered a lecture on the Frankfurt School and Critical Sociology and Critical Philosophy at the Department of Sociology of the University of Kansas on November 14,1991. Thisis a transcription of that lecture. It has been transcribed and partially edited, with Dr. Manheim's assistance, by LauraJ. Bahmaie and Hossein Bahmaie.
  • Publication
    To Have or Not to Have Sex in Critical Theory: Sexuality in the Early Writings of Wilhelm Reich and Erich Fromm
    (Department of Sociology, University of Kansas, 1992-04-01) King, C. Richard
    This paper explores the relationship between society and sexuality, which is overlooked in the later phases of CriticalTheory. The author begins with a discussion of the role of sexuality in the writings of Wilhelm Reich and Erich Fromm. Reich uniformly celebrates and strategically deploys sexuality to critique Western capitalistic society while Fromm lacks a clear and consistent utilization of sexuality. Reich uses Marx in his predominately Freudian framework of sexual repression in trying to' address the problem of repression and suppression in Western capitalism. Fromm, on the other hand puts Freud into his already Marxist approach to authority, the family, and ideology. Adorno, Marcuse, and Horkheimer largely ignored sexuality in their later writings, but instead used Freudian concepts in their theory ofthe tuuhoritarian personality.
  • Publication
    The Social Psychology of Anti-Semitism
    (Department of Sociology, University of Kansas, 1992-04-01) Conrad, Omar Greg
    This paper illustrates the close affinity between the critical theorist's depiction of the authoritarian personality and Jean-Paul Sartre's portrait of the anti-semite and critically examines the solutions to the problem of anti-semitism these thinkers suggest. In order to accomplish these goals an extended discussion of Sartre's views on freedom and bad-faith is also presented.
  • Publication
    Introduction to Herbert Marcuse, "On the Critique of Sociology"
    (Department of Sociology, University of Kansas, 1992-04-01) Smith, David N.
  • Publication
    A Study in American Agitation: J. Edgar Hoover's Symbolic Construction of the Communist Menace
    (Department of Sociology, University of Kansas, 1992-04-01) Gotham, Kevin
    This study is a content analysis of J. Edgar Hoover's Masters of Deceit, a major non-fiction bestseller published in 1958. By using the theoretical insights of the Frankfurt School, Hoover's anti-communist treatise can be thematically analyzedas a specific type of propaganda dissemination: agitation. This study will isolate and explain five agiuuional themes employed to symbolically construct the Communist Menace: 1. The False Religion; 2. The Apocalyptic End; 3. The Dupes; 4. The Communist Conspiracy; and 5. Trust the FBI. By probing beneath the manifest content of Master;) an effort is made to decipher the latent content and discover the implicit mechanisms used to influence public thought.