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This collection contains publications by faculty affiliated with the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies.
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Publication Oral History from the Life of Mariia Dobrotvorskaia, née Maliavich, as recorded by her son(2025) Dobrotvorskaia, Mariia; Giullian, Jon; Karpusheva, Anna; Husieva, OksanaThis oral history presents reminiscences from the life of Mariia Dobrotvorskaia, from her childhood and youth, when she lived Russia and Ukraine, and from her adult life after emigrating to the United States. The oral history consists of three files, the audio recording, the Russian transcription, and the English translation.Publication Josef Hofmann’s Formulas of Success in Russia (1895-1913) Based on Materials from the Press during Those Years(2021) Giullian, Jon C.; Blauberg, NataliiaThis article describes the success of Josef Hofmann's performance tours in Russia from 1895-1913, based on sources in the Russian press during those years. The article demonstrates that Josef Hoffman enjoyed extraordinary success as a performer in Russia at the turn of the 20th century. In addition to performances in Moscow and St. Petersburg, he traveled throughout the the country, winning over audience wherever he went and was dubbed the "king of pianists."Publication Phonetic evidence for the development of the “acute” tone in Slavic(2020-11-02T12:39:30Z) Greenberg, Marc L.The paper attempts to give a phonetic reconstruction of the processes surrounding the loss of the glottal stop as the reflex of the inherited Proto-Slavic acute. With support from typological evidence and phonetic analysis, it is claimed that the variation in modern Slavic reflexes of the acute results from differing outcomes of the disappearance of the glottal stop: metathesis, straightforward loss, and laryngealization.Publication Ordinary insubordination as transient discourse(John Benjamins, 2016) Dwyer, Arienne M.Insubordination – the conventionalized use of morphologically non-finite forms as finite ones – is an ordinary syntactic event in synchronic spontaneous discourse; it is also an ordinary stage of the grammaticalization of non-finite clauses as finite ones. is chapter explores the morphosyntactic typology of insubordination and its ontogeny in Inner Asian Turko-Mongolic languages. In so doing, I clarify criterial features of insubordination. I also consider whether insubordination is a transient phenomenon as part of a larger process of grammaticalization, using a rich diachronic dataset from a half dozen Inner Asian languages.Publication General Principles and Practices of Digital Data Management(American Anthropological Association, 2016-09) Dwyer, Arienne M.This teaching unit, presented here as a slideshow, provides an overview of digital data management principles for anthropologists. This is one of five modules on data management in Anthropology. Data management is an essential component of any research project, yet is rarely taught. The four sub-disciplinary Anthropology modules are intended as a rapid and brief introduction to fill that gap. They cover data management from project design to research dissemination, including design specifications, formats, preservation and access. The module is aimed at practicing anthropologists and at anthropologists in training (students) as well as independent scholars and language activists, and will serve linguists equally well. The module can be covered in a 2-day intensive course, as a week-long part of a longer course, or as self-study materials. Topics are covered in bullet-point form, so that instructors and participants can elaborate and adapt the materials according to their own needs and circumstances. Extensive references and exercises are included.Publication Tajik Persian: Readings in History, Culture and Society(University of Kansas Libraries, 2016) Ahmad, RaziTajik Persian: Readings in History, Culture and Society seeks to help students develop reading proficiency in Tajik at advanced level through authentic texts written for native speakers and provides them glimpses into the history, culture and society of Tajikistan without losing its focus on cultural aspects of the country—an aspect that constitutes a core component in the second language acquisition. The book can be adopted by instructors as a supplementary or the main textbook for advanced-level courses.Publication Publication Ukrainian Queer Culture: The Difficult Birth(Cambridge Scholars Press, 2016) Chernetsky, VitalyPublication Pathway to Peace and Prosperity: A New Model and Partnership for Teaching the Introduction to Graduate Studies Course in French, German, and Slavic Languages and Literatures(2014) Giullian, Jon C.This presentation describes how subject librarians in three disciplines (French, German, and Slavic) worked together with teaching faculty to provide a robust program of library instructional support for a combined methods course for incoming graduate students in French, German, and Slavic Languages and Literatures. The presentation explores the rationale behind the various library-related components of the course; comments upon the value to students of the several of the library components (e.g., rare books assignment, digital humanities, open access, and alternative careers, etc.), and reports on the results of an experiment into the pedagogy of library instruction using mobile devices in a space that fosters collaborative learning. The presentation reports preliminary results of this pedagogical experiment with specific emphasis on the interaction among Slavic students and Slavic librarian.Publication Bringing Digital Data Management into Methods Courses: Linguistic Anthropology Module(American Anthropological Association, 2016-06-10) Dwyer, Arienne M.This teaching unit provides an overview of data management practices and issues tailored to the sub-discipline of Linguistic Anthropology, one of four modules on data management in Anthropology. They cover data management from project design to research dissemination, including design specifications, formats, preservation and access. The module is aimed at practicing anthropologists and at anthropologists in training (students) as well as independent scholars and language activists, and will serve linguists equally well. The module can be covered in a 2-day intensive course, as a week-long part of a longer course, or as self-study materials. Topics are covered in bullet-point form, so that instructors and participants can elaborate and adapt the materials according to their own needs and circumstances. Extensive references and exercises are included.Publication Using Tolstoy and Dostoevsky to Teach Ethics in the Twenty-First Century(2016-06) Kokobobo, AniPublication Between the Poetic and the Documentary: Ukrainian Cinema’s Responses to World War II(Rodopi, 2016-01) Chernetsky, VitalyPublication Introduction(Brill, 2015) Greenberg, Marc L."Marc L. Greenberg’s Introduction gives an overview of the state of scholarship in Slavic linguistics and the directions in which the field is headed."Publication Monetary Policy Rules in Some Transition Economies(Eurasian Publications, 2014) El-Hodiri, Mohamed; Mukhamediyev, BulatIn this paper we examine the question of whither monetary rules or ad hoc monetary policies were followed during the early stages of transition and in response to the global financial crisis. We study Eastern European countries and thee CIS countries. We find that during the early of transition, both developed economies and economies in transition used the monetary base, as well as the interest rate, as the main tools for monetary policy. However, in response to the global crises, priority was given to the main objective such as containing inflation and supporting economic growth. Monetary authorities had the additional possible choice of alternative objectives, such as stabilization of nominal exchange rate and real effective exchange rate, or increase in reserves. It was found that countries mostly retained priorities of monetary policy and some of them gave a greater importance to the alternative objectives.Publication Comments on Assumptions in Hominid Evolution(University of Chicago Press, 1971) Crawford, Michael H.Publication Reviewed Work: Modeling Nature(Central Ornithology Publication Office, 1986-11-01) Pierotti, RaymondNo abstract is available for this item.Publication Reviewed Work: Evolution as Entropy: Toward a Unified Theory of Biology(Central Ornithology Publication Office, 1987-08-01) Pierotti, RaymondNo abstract is available for this item.Publication Reviewed Work: Reproductive Success: Studies of Individual Variation in Contrasting Breeding Systems(Central Ornithology Publication Office, 1989-08-01) Pierotti, RaymondNo abstract is available for this item.Publication Editorial: The Human Genome Project(Wayne State University Press, 1990-08-01) Crawford, Michael H.; Baer, A. S.; Hall, R.; Omenn, G. S.; Thomson, G. J.; Wilson, A. C.No abstract is available for this item.Publication Obituary: Dale David Dykes (1945-1990)(Wayne State University Press, 1991-06-01) Crawford, Michael H.No abstract is available for this item.