data CITE.TOPICS2_XA; set CITE.TOPICS2; run; title 'Contents of the Revised Dataset';proc datasets lib=CITE nolist ; modify TOPICS2_XA ; XATTR SET DS Study_FundingInformation='Participant travel and accomodations funded by NSF grant 1448107' ; XATTR SET DS Abstract='This dataset was created from the October 20-22 minutes of the NSF1448107 sponsored group attending Dagstuhl event 14432. Topics were generated using default settings of SAS Text Miner on the minutes' ; XATTR SET DS Study_Purpose='a sample dataset for data citation' ; XATTR SET DS Publisher='University of Kansas' ; XATTR SET DS Contributor='Mary Vardigan, Sam Hume, Sanda Ionescu, Jay Greenfield, Jeremy Iverson, John Kunze, Barry Radler, Stuart Weibel, Michael C. Witt' ; XATTR SET VAR TopicDescription (Concept='A reporting variable on SAS Text Miner Topic data') ; XATTR SET DS Title='Topics generated from NSF1448107 Dagstuhl Workshop Minutes' ; XATTR SET DS Creator='Larry Hoyle' ; contents data = TOPICS2_XA ;run; quit;